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Thread: Tara is fun now :)

  1. #1

    Tara is fun now :)

    tara is fun now ^^
    Splitfridge// lvl 191 omni doc
    Splitbanana// lvl 110 omni trader -_-
    Spitfridge// lvl 53 enf (yeah he probably killed ur alt)
    Splitanut// lvl 22 mp (watch me solo your base)


  2. #2
    [color=sky blue]Neophyte Æxid[/color] | 200 Clan RK2 Trader
    Unit Commander of Immortal Ascension
    Server First: Ian Warr

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Is not!

    *waits for the "IS SO!"
    Yagyu for life

  5. #5
    IS SO
    Splitfridge// lvl 191 omni doc
    Splitbanana// lvl 110 omni trader -_-
    Spitfridge// lvl 53 enf (yeah he probably killed ur alt)
    Splitanut// lvl 22 mp (watch me solo your base)


  6. #6
    Does make things more interesting, also gives reasons to do something "new"
    Sbje RK2 Soldier
    Sbee RK2 MA

  7. #7
    bah! none of ya would team with my MA, even after I told ya'll about her secret in with tarasque. She went to school with tara's sister's boyfriends cousin I tells ya. Teaming with Vash is a shoe-in for phat tara lewt! Don't let her mere 75 levels fool ya!
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  8. #8
    what happend? tara sorted out? hmm wierd

    [220/22/01] Desperad0 - Enforcer
    [220/20/59] Minidesp - Agent

  9. #9
    No it really isn't, as we saw last night. Too much stress worrying about doing as much dmg as possible in as little time as possible and people *****ing and moaning at each other if they don't win loot...
    Yagyu for life

  10. #10
    Expected it to be different Kai?
    Sbje RK2 Soldier
    Sbee RK2 MA

  11. #11
    Edit: tara is teh completez suXORRZZ
    pl z di e tara,
    no mroe flamees
    i quit taraaaaaaa
    Splitfridge// lvl 191 omni doc
    Splitbanana// lvl 110 omni trader -_-
    Spitfridge// lvl 53 enf (yeah he probably killed ur alt)
    Splitanut// lvl 22 mp (watch me solo your base)


  12. #12

  13. #13
    Originally posted by TolaGarf
    Want a cookie?
    Splitfridge// lvl 191 omni doc
    Splitbanana// lvl 110 omni trader -_-
    Spitfridge// lvl 53 enf (yeah he probably killed ur alt)
    Splitanut// lvl 22 mp (watch me solo your base)


  14. #14
    Originally posted by Sbje
    Expected it to be different Kai?
    Heh no...I expected it ever since I heard about Mar shutting down clannet, since when have I said things would be anything but totally f*ed up if clannet was gone?
    Yagyu for life

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