We've seen some concerns evolving around the use of so-called chat bots in Anarchy Online; applications that log onto the Anarchy Online chat server as a character, and gives information based on given criterias (talking to it, characters coming online, etc).

We do not run these bots. We do not endorse them, and provide them no support. They are not going to be taken into account if changes are needed on the chat server, or other systems they rely on. If you have questions about a specific bot, please contact the owner of it.

However, we do not consider these bots illegal, and will take no actions against them as long as they 'behave'. They will be treated as any other character the player could log in. Note that this means bots spamming chat channels or sending unwanted messages to people will be dealt with as disruptive and harrassing players, and the player running the bot will be held entire responsible for its actions.

If you have any further questions about bots in general, feel free to contact me.