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Thread: Thank you, Funcom

  1. #1

    Talking Thank you, Funcom

    Yes, you read it right. I can hardly believe it myself that I wrote that, but I have been playing now for 12 hours in a row, and I just must say this.

    First of all, thank you for fixing the missions. It is great to be able to do a mission and know you will be rewarded for it again

    Second, thank you for fixing the mission ranges. Now, instead of finding three missions to exactly the same location, normally waayyy off, every time you try a mission compooter, it really is a good mix of missions in all different distances and rewards. OK a lot of clothes and few useful bits, but still, I do it for the money. If I want money, I take longrunners, if I just want a mission I take a shortie... And I can almost choose where I want to go, every time I pick a set, not haggle for eternity until it shows up. Beautiful work there

    Third: I play a doctor, lvl45. I LIKE the aggro we have.. It is a perfect balance between easy and REALLY hard. And it ALL depends on the group yer fighting with, not a squat the programming, or aggro percentage. Yesterday I played with a really mature, good teamfighting groop.. We all got three levels in a couple of hours, and did not loose one guy. I had a rough time ONCE in three-four hours. I lived, but it was rough, thats all. Today, I went into another group, bad teamplayers and greedy for multimelee... And I got whacked in ten minutes because of mass aggro. Reason? Bad programming? NO, bad PLAYERS! Pulling 6-8 monsters cause the doc had it so easy healing when it was 2-3 monsters is the most stupid fighter classes can do.. If they do it, and the doctor accept that, they are stupid. I do not want to hear anymore about a mechanics bug in doc aggro, it is not faulty. The players are.
    And the players with me yesterday knows what I am talking about, it was perfect teamplay..

    So again, thank you. After this fix you have done... It has been a joy to play. I KNOW there are still a LOT of major issues to take care off here.. But I thought you needed to hear something positive in the middle of all the problems, as well.

  2. #2
    so sorry, but it is a bug

    many of my guild members have been in contact w/ gm's and even recieved responses from the programers via e-mail

    it WAS NOT intended

    and it will/hopefuly be fixed soon

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    In the areas your talking about Pd...I agree. Mission distances from booths are perfect. I can get my choice from just about any booth around Rubi-Ka and not have to spend 30 min to get there. Nice Job.

    Hunting is also great. I never really had a hard time in a group and the doc does seem to get aggro more but thats the risk. I got 2 lvls over the weekend...had 90k of 101k and got wacked but... that was because we got greedy

    Mob AC in missions, thats still needs some work, that can be read in other threads however. Most of the changes to date I think are outstanding.

    Thanks guys!

  4. #4

    Question Uhm, what?

    OK, you lost me there...

    What was a bug..?

    The working missions..? A bug..?

    A good random selection of missions a bug.?

    The fact that both single and team heal now aggros against doctors, a bug..? BTW, I only singleheal so.. I get my aggro anyway.

    Last edited by Holinor; Nov 19th, 2001 at 13:55:42.

  5. #5
    lol...lost you how? They even worked to put out the distance patch on sunday. I think that was great.

  6. #6

    Angry Dont listen to this guy!

    At least individual missions are not ok! I'm 45 too and cant get more than 9000creds as reward and am unable to finish most of them as NPCs in missions are unbeatable. With my equipment I should be able to take yellows down (I cant get much better weapons). Not a chance. They have insane stats and far too much hp now.
    I cannot make money or xp right now unless I hunt dark greens for the 400xp they give (not funny when you need 87000 for a level).

    Val (we need a fix here fast)
    Xandro, neutral bureaucract

  7. #7

    Talking Zenbeck and Valerian

    I agree, they still have a loooooong way to go.. Theres a lot to work on..
    I just thought they should hear one of the good things.. Maybe it makes them happier to fix other things as well, if they get some credit for things.

    And Valerian:
    Well... I am level 45 as well... I pulled three +15.000credits missions yesterday, in a quick search.. Had a great time, and got good money. As I said, I play a doctor and as long as they are alone, kick the bonkers out of orange guys in my missions. So, I am a noncombat class and can do it... Why can't you?

    Not Funcoms fault
    Last edited by Holinor; Nov 19th, 2001 at 14:00:54.

  8. #8

    Re: Uhm, what?

    Missons are nice, but now I have to get missions to clon**** and such for a mere 100k or so and that really can get on my nerves after getting used to missions in SFH and EFP for 150k-200k. And with a yalm, travel distance is mute.

    Err.. The aggro is intense. .. It's beyond normal. You see, ANY HEAL registers as a full scale, person heal. For example, the doctor's HoT / HP Buff. Each time that ticks, it counts as a heal. You can cast this, go to an easy camp, not let the doc do anything but sit, and the doctor will get aggroed. Is that upposed to happen? Same thing with my fixer's HoT.


  9. #9
    Val...Ive had to take 40-45% missions with all greens sence I was lvl 6. 9k from a mission that takes me 5 min to get to is sweet. Im lvl53 and if its xp Im looking for I hunt in a group. I do the missions for cash. Some of the greens AC is to hi so I dump it and get another.

    Sorry but I just dont feel sorry for any one who gets upset for not being able to solo yellow or higher mobs. You shouldnt be able to IMHO.

    People screaming "I cant solo red's any more!! WTF!!" ...thats a exploiter if you ask me. How many people can take an even con in EQ? Yellow is an even con. No flame...just MO.

  10. #10

    Cool Megabio

    As a doctor, I know what creates aggro... I promise you, I know.. I got 3 levels two days ago, and 2 levels yesterday hunting with groups, thats... uhm.. several hundreds of monsters and aggros. I got killed once. I have a REALLY hard time saying "killed once" as a major problem... They did a multipull, I could not heal fast enough, and that amount of stuff in the air from me, of course they attack me...

    I dunno.. As long as I play with a good group, that, no matter who is the leader, listens to their doctor, follows the simple guidelines and are diciplined, it is managable, and I like that. It is a challenge to make it right, I would not want it any other way, I do not like simple massfragging, I want a tactical challenge.

    At the same time, if I join a bad group.. A doctor has the lifespan of ten minutes, tops.

    People start laughing now when I join a group, because they have heard my guidelines so many times, and how I set up the rules of engagement for players I have not seen before. They explain to the new ones that "He ALWAYS starts by saying this and that" But I keep them alive with it, and they keep me alive. It is not a bug... Not in any way.. Things like green monsters having armour twice your level, thats a bug. Orange could have it, not green... That doctors have a bit higher aggro factor than lets say an engineer, that is not a bug... And it is possible to counteract with tactics.. Doctors had it easy before, multiheal not even giving aggro, I can understand some people feel like they have a tough time now, that they have to think about what they do.

    I have always singlehealed, I can not see the problem.

  11. #11
    Sorry but I just dont feel sorry for any one who gets upset for not being able to solo yellow or higher mobs. You shouldnt be able to IMHO.

    People screaming "I cant solo red's any more!! WTF!!" ...thats a exploiter if you ask me. How many people can take an even con in EQ? Yellow is an even con. No flame...just MO.
    I'm dual wielding the best pistols I can with buffing. They are 12 levels above my level. Before the 13.0 patch I was able to kill a yellow mobs with ease. Now I can only kill dark greens with same setting. I do minimal damage (13hp) to a mob with over 2000hp...
    There is something wrong here. You should be able to kill an EVEN con. Not without a risk but you should be able to with good weapons. (Thats what even means right?)
    I played a whole afternoon and made 10000xp and not one cred. I couldnt find missions giving more than 9000k no matter what I set the mission sliders to. I was unable to finish even one of the missions I took.

    And I wont be forced to group. Already had enough of that in EQ. Rather go to DaoC then.

    And yes ZenBeck, I was able to take an even con in EQ.

    Xandro, neutral bureaucract

  12. #12
    Originally posted by Valerian

    And yes ZenBeck, I was able to take an even con in EQ.

    As was I, but, in EQ the mob will turn and run at some point...they dont in AO. Should you be able to kill an even mob? sure... just not all the time. The key word here being "even".

  13. #13

    now that we're on the subject of EQ

    Ah yes, EQ. I remember it well.

    "As was I, but, in EQ the mob will turn and run at some point...they dont in AO. Should you be able to kill an even mob? sure... just not all the time. The key word here being "even"."

    But when an EQ mob started to run away, you didn't finish it off. It found a dozen friends and soon you were screaming your head off, "Fing train to the Fing zone! Move it or lose it!" I had a button called Train right next to my attack button. I hit it just as often. Yes, I was the guy that trained you back in I forget which castle. But now I quit EQ and I love AO.

    You see AO works fine for me. The Min damage seems to be the main point here. I as a nanotech can solo light orange mobs without leaving the zone to heal. I can solo dark orange mobs with one or two zones. That's something we must remember. If you're going to die, zone. If you're going to die, choose a 45% mission instead of an 85% mission. Rejoice that you rarely have to scream "Train to zone!"

  14. #14
    I always finished of mobs that ran from my Rouge in EQ. The only nasty trains I rember were the ones from Black Burow.... damn Gnolls would get 15 to 20 and up they would

    I am fairly happy with the game right now. well...yes there are some big bugs still and the new min dammage thing really sucks but, I was talking about that in this thread. I came to this post to say thanks
    Last edited by ZenBeck; Nov 19th, 2001 at 19:34:41.

  15. #15
    Just to clarify, it's doesn't surprise me that a Doc can still take an organge post patch, you're DoT's aren't AC dependant, nor did they get nerfed in this last patch, mean while everyone that doesn't use nano for damage DID get nerfed this last patch vs any human model npc, from what i can gather the human npc's are playing by the PvP rules now.

    NEWS FALSH: the new PvP rules where a huge boost to doc's survivability, but not really much of one to any one else ( since NT ranges got screwed ).

    What is commonly happening to those front line combat classes you kinda taunted about not being able to take down an orange is that any mob +2 we are hitting for min damage, almost all the time, meaning we are barely scratchign them while they are pounding the living hades out of us. Here's the thing, all "front line combat" professions rely on outdamaging the npc's by such a wide margin that we kill them with there 3 times our hit point values before they kill us, when our damage drops to being only equal to or lesser then that of the npc we are fighting, we die, period. Even those of us that have secondary healing abilities. I can about double to triple my showing life total at the start of a combat, i lose a few hits to do throw the heals but normally that works our pretty well. Now by the time i have completed the heal I've lost about 60% of what i healed to mob damage, while inflicting no damage over the time i was executing the heal.

    I hope that helps to explain why, though this is a arguably a good patch for Doc's, this is a bad bad bad patch for any profession that doesn't base it's damage on nano programs.
    Last edited by Cheetra; Nov 19th, 2001 at 22:38:21.

  16. #16


    So you are saying that doctors are good fighters..? And that 23 or 52 damage every 30 seconds is one hell of a spell to cast..?

    Oki.. Did not know that I would beat the living daylight out of a samelevel soldier and an assault gun, using my fists. Nice to know...

    I do minimum damage as well, see... Physical... My skill is healing not killing. Thats what docs do. If I team, I see everyone else at my level dish out about 4 times the damage I do. Some players of the same level do up to ten times more damage than me... But yes, I understand your problem. Doctors are dangerous in single mission. It must be Funcom that has done something wrong here.

    What I mean. I KNOW NPC chars have a ludicrous AC compared to players. It has to be really green for me to be able to do more than minimum. That part we have already talked about, and it should be fixed. I say, orange can have that AC not green to yellow.

    But this talk about impossible, and you should be able to smash orange or red and now feel yer being unfairly treated by FC? Nope.. If I could not survive with my char... I would start looking at how it was built up, not automaticly attack the game.Hell, I have not even started on my implants yet, still i can give them an even fight. AND I have been planning on making a new one, without the IP mistakes I have on this one.

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