It shouldn't be possible for other people to kill me in pvp, it's unbalanced. Balance is when I can kill other people. Why you say?
Because then I can come here and tell you all how gimped you are, and brag on the profession forums how easily I kill stuff.
Funcom, why is it that other people can do a lot of damage to me?
They can also nuke me, blind me, debuff me, snare me, root me. Please do something so that I can have my quality time killing people undisturbed by all this unbalanced stuff.
I have done some numbers. I tested this in the arena the other day and you can't deny that this is totally unbalanced. A soldier can hit me for both FA, burst, fling and aimed shot and do a lot of damage to me. This is wrong. And then he got this shield that makes my damage poor. It is unfair!
The traders and the doc's have those debuffs that make my damage crap and my nanos useless. The are support classes. They should just make my implants and stuff. And maybe heal me sometimes. And why can they pick up a gun, AND do damage with it too??? That is ridicilous, and again my numbers show that this is wrong. I have been studiyng in the arena too.
And those enforcers and Adventurers can hit me with a sword. Common, it's the future: Gun > Sword it says in my book! And they got so much HP, and they can run really fast. And one time i tried to root one of them and it didn't work at all. My numbers says that this is wrong. An enforcer 2 levels below me once almost beat me, that can't be right?
The MA is a good example of how this should be. Fists do crap damage just as fists do. And I can root him and kill him quite easy, this is how a balanced class is.
And those NTs all have those high PvP titles. That is totally unfair imho. Why can they kill so many people at the same time. I even died to an NT 1vs1 and my numbers says that this is to much. They can shoot and nuke and debuff and blind and root, please remove the nukes... at least the ones that do damage to me, they are über.
And the crats, and the Engineers and the MPs have so many things. They may not kill me that much but I'm sure that they have something unbalanced about them.
Fixers are just gods in blue suits. Or so I've read somewhere on this forum. I once played, at least I concidered to play an fixer so I got quite a lot of experience from both worlds here. And again the numbers show that they are unbalanced. They can burst every second or so and It's impossible to hit them, how unbalanced is that!!?? And the can grid too.
Agents are gimped.
Please change this or I'll quit.