I believe that if it was just outta greed, why would they ask for T3 to be dmg teams only and not all T?
why did Nemesis ask for dmg at t3 only then if it was outta greed,
don't you think if it was greed then Nemesis would just out dmg all T. you ban some Nemesis members for T. How is it possible to ban someone from a playfield when you don't own it. you would rather ban people sure go ahead and what can you do if those same people came and ninja'd your nodrop lewt. "ban them?"
"they are already banned" funny thing is that noone specificly owns Tara. property of funcom before property of clannet no?
and to have clannet exploit to open more gs in camelot is already greed. so for those guilds that only play ao for tara go get a clue
because you are the biggest hypocrits of all, or at least learn what the meaning of greed is before you speak, noone said you couldn't have your own dmg team in there did they? or did nemesis ban you from T3? and its funny you talk about greed when you have ex- omnis like vertego that came clan just to play your fav game tara loot online...