So Hermy, Tiggy was 14.6 your Agent love patch? Were you so prescient that you knew the 14.6 recharge fix would cut in half your Aimed Shot recharge times? Did you lobby for this fix? Face it, you had no clue this would happen. Now you got it and you think fixing it is a massive nerf you can't handle.
That was completely UNINTENDED by FC. Frankly I love it for PvM. But this discussion is about AS recycle time and in effect all recycle time of specials in PvP. AS and Burst were the biggest benefactors since every 33 pts of AS and 25 pts of Burst skill reduces your refresh by 1 sec.
You liked your AS just fine before 14.6, after 14.6 you love it but 11 or 12 sec recharge of AS in PvP is just insane.
Oh sure you love rolling out the few times you get a small AS and keep quiet about your 40% hits and crit nanos. Tell me how many people say Burst, Flingshot, or even Full Auto gets a 40% hit? Zippo. Look, I am for keeping your AS multiples and crit nanos. It is just the recycle time that is ridiculous.