
Things change both in game and in real life, so one can assume that the way we play the game will change as well. Due to changes brought with Notum Wars and the onslaught of massive base battle some orgs have been severly weakened or made to realize that more firepower is needed.

So my home and family (in game) The Omni Tek Board of Directors has merged with another org. Already many of the players that had made OTBOD a great org have moved on to places like Shadow Ops.

I am sad to see this era in my game end as I know many OTBOD veterans are, but I would like to say this on a sour note. Merging your org without an official VOTE or agreement by the members is wrong. Logging in after a two day break due to real life and seeing that you're in a new org with no notice in game or on org message board is wrong. Granted the mssage on the org board showed up within 24 hours of me finding this out, but have some courtesy to your members. At least give them a heads up.


Cordus of Rimor