Ok here is what me and many nemesis want to improve clannet raid in camelot :
1 - Set up the roll with clannet then roll with helpbot, cause some may say that host can cheat with clannet but we think that it may be harder to cheat with helpbot cause the one who have the sourcecode is not a host.
2 - Make impossible for someone who roll item X to roll item X the next T, he may be possible to wait a week at least, so more people will get more loot and no always the same cause he is very lucky.
3 - Nobody must be allowed to roll for a friend, this is too easy to keep loot for a little group of close friends in this way.
4 - Make prof item availlable to roll only by this profession, unless there is no one of this prof.
5 - Don't raise lvl limit from 140 to 150. Yes some clannet peeps want to do it many middle level are really happy to reach 140 cause they are a little ubber and they can roll for Dragon item !!!! But some high lvl thought they will win more loot if there is less people in the roll.
These the point i personnaly want to be in the clannet raid but there is some other points from my guildies.
So you see we don't ask the impossible