Do you have a projected release date and if so, when is that?
Is the level cap being raised to 250 and if so, is the already steep XP curve going to continue to grow steeper with that raise?
Will there be a chance for existing characters to alter their breed to one of the new breeds if they are similar enough? (For instance, judging by some of the concept art there appears to be a breed modification of the Solitus in the works and was wondering if existing Solitus characters will have the opportunity to alter themselves?)
Of the 9 playfields being added, will there be any representation of Notum Wars within these playfields such as new lands to control?
It has been rumored that there will be new professions added. Can you confirm this and if true, how many?
Many people are concerned about the skill budget changes and the ability to "fix" their characters via IPR and some have run out. Will Shadowlands provide another full reset or extra IPR points?
Will the PvP aspect of the game endure great changes or is Shadowlands more focused towards PvM gameplay?
Is the new skill budget going to affect the mechanics of advancement? (For instance, skills & abilities rise when you put improvement points into them and you get those whenever you advance in level. Skills do not deteriorate and you can unlearn skills through the use of IPR. Is this going to change at all?)
Are any significant changes being made to the resource manager?