This is a quick guide on what to do and what not to do when asking for a buff from an MP.
First a list of things NOT TO DO
1. DO NOT use phrases like this: "MC/TS mochams plzz"
2. DO NOT be in a yalm when you ask! (This might be only me, but I personaly hate buffing ppl in yalms. Make me feel like a slot machine)
3. DO NOT ***** if you get a "No" we have alot to do and dont have time to waste on explaining to you why.
Then some things you should do
1. Always offer a tip! ALWAYS! In the first tell! A correct /tell asking for MP buffs would look something like this:
/tell RandomMP Hello there mister. Do you think you could hook me up with MC/TS mochams? I will tip of course
2. Always be within the line of sight! If you found the MP by doing a /list you should always tell him that so that he wont start looking around for you.
3. Always have enough NCU avaiable! Mochams take about 50 NCU each, Infuses around 40 and Masteries around 14.
4. Alwyas specify wich buff(s) you want, dont make the MP ask (Personaly, if an engi walks up to me I know he prolly want ts/mc but you never know)
5. Be polite! We are NOT a right, we are a prvilege.
Follow these rules and Im sure you will get many friends and a lifetime supply of MP buffs!
Of course this also apply when asking for any other buff or scervice from any other proff!