Although I recently closed my account, I have what should be a positive suggestion.

One of largest problems with the existing team mission structure is the physical confines of space and getting all 6 members through very small areas and rooms origionally designed for one person. This leads to constant confusion regardless of the right turn rule (which is actually not adheared to by more than 25% of the groups I've doctored with).

Getting clear line of site to heal or to attack is extremely difficult and sometimes I have to hop around to get clear enough to heal the main tank.

Despite what people think, doctors work much better as single player healers, spam-group healing is not efficient nor smart unless no other recourse exists.

My suggestion is to make the team mission sites/art big enough that 2 or 3 can enter abreast and have clear level of site to the target.

In addition to this it would be great to limit the level of mission a team can pick by the average level of the team. Too many teams think because they have a doc that they are invulnerable, completely forgetting that if the mob does more damage that the doc's best average heal its just a matter of time before they all go down. On the last 12 missions I doctored we never made it to the boss or never could take the boss. I died on average of 3 times per mission. Doc aggro is just plain cruel when you have only 1 profession that can actually calm. Most team missions are 20+ levels higher than the team, and most calming classes other than the crat are completely resisted on every attemp. Most other attemps at lowering doc aggro is just not working. Balance is needed here to Limit the missions to acheivable by team average or something but something should be done.

Team missions are great, they are fun and exciting and don't require huge amounts of time to get to the locations.

FUNcom remember that first word, listen to the people and look at what they do. It does'nt matter if you have all the mobs in the world 1 hour away when 95% of the players want a team mission 1 minute away. Give them that. Allow missions to be chosen by location and items. Why make a 2 hour run to a mission that 3 out of 6 will drop out of after the first time they die.

If you really want to help doctors give them the same thing every other healing proffesion has in every other mmorpg, resurrection!

Let us resurrect with in a period of time and depending on level give some experience back. No one wants to run back 2 hours to hit the Insurance machine and run back again.

Ok there are my suggestions for good or ill.