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Thread: Haminie, you have no right to make that assumption, you weren't present

  1. #1

    Haminie, you have no right to make that assumption, you weren't present

    Haminie, I SOLOED TK. No one helped me, I dragged it away from the spawn, and I got it past 1/2. When I came back, after dying, I found that someone had Ksed it after I initated the attack. I was camping for parts for my quest. Your claim, without even being present is pure BS. Your loud mouth friend that apparently told you I "Ninjaed" the loot, offered no help in killing it, and hindered my efforts to get my pads. He went as far as to delete the uniques I NEEDED to complete the quest, while shouting what he deleted. In the future, I would suggest getting all the facts before you start making unfounded posts about people.

  2. #2
    ooga! hardedge missed the reply button

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