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Thread: Org /invite command

  1. #1

    Unhappy Org /invite command

    Please fix this! I really want to be able to join a guild and I'm sure many others do too.

  2. #2


    and /org invite stopped working when?
    its been working since 13.0 bud =)

    just clikc a person and type 'org invite'
    they then type 'yes'
    job done

  3. #3
    It stopped working on friday when they patched so did org kick

  4. #4


    well thats strange seeing as i recruited 3 more peeps into my org yesterday

    must just be u =)

  5. #5

    /org invite command

    Heh, i don't know if it's just me or not, but i have personally seen other people with trouble entering guilds.

    I had a high-ranking member of the guild come and try to invite me. I got the message saying "Do you want to join First Order" and I accepted. Problem is, my profile doesn't say anything and I can't see a guild channel

  6. #6
    actually our problem is the same as talani above(sorry if i spelled name wrong) we can neither recuit nor kick and guild members cant do org kick either

  7. #7
    I am one of those who is having trouble with guild functions as well.

  8. #8

    Unhappy RE: Org /invite command

    Me too.
    No way to use commands /org invite /org kick and /org promote

  9. #9
    indeed i've encountered the prob in both RK1 and RK2 servers..

    it's quite annoying...

  10. #10
    My guild is facing the same prob.

    Denghar, is your guild a newly formed one (after 13.0) or an old converted one ?

    We had a GM try out and confirm the bug.

    I think they should be able to fix it soon.

  11. #11

    Clan leaders should be aware of problem.


    Mafoo posted a reply, from GM, on clan leader channel the day before.

    Seems like the problem ivolves clans formed before patch 13.0 and some, like Anvil, formed right after patching. The issue had no ETA but should prolly be fixed in a few days according to Mafoo's message.


  12. #12
    It does not only effect clan guilds it effects omni to

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