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Thread: Escape and jail breaking

  1. #1

    Escape and jail breaking

    My idea is that if you get killed in opposite political territory by enemy guards you should be transported to the nearest prison where u have to break out - kill guards etc.. also characters should be able to pick the lock on the jail door (assuming high b&e) and break in to free captured team/guild m8s.

    If you die trying to escape prision you will be transported back to your cell.

    Also there should be passenger cars, ie you have a car that can hold 1 driver and 6 passengers - They take 2 mins to equip and 1 sec to unequip. Therefore you have to be ready with your car outside.. this would b used with jail breaks...

    Also can we not have a stealing option on shops.. using b&e, if its not high enough 1 or 2 options will occur:

    1: You get item but all guards in locality chase after you
    2: You dont get item and all guards in locality chase after you

    else if its high enough you get item.

    Also a team hold up would be cool, if the combined attack rating of team is greater than shop keeper they give you x amount of cash and/or items else the two above options will occur.

    A getaway car would be useful in these situations.. the car should be ground based.. but be stunningly fast.
    Susanooh Nano-Technician
    Level 170
    Shadow Level 0
    Alien Level 2
    (Proud owner of Nullity Sphere Mk I, Mk II, Luxuary Jobe Apt. & Pet Leets) (Atlantean)
    Equip. & Imp. Layout

    /born Friday November 2nd 2001

  2. #2
    Bad Ideas

    Prison system is a bad idea, if you die you die, why would you goto prison, after any tower raid it would be full of enough people to create huge amounts of lag, its bad enough alot of people get booted from the server when they die in big battles as it is.

    As for stealing from vendors, thats even worse, why would I want to go out and make money when I can just jack up my B&E and **** the vendors in town. The economy is bad enough as it is.


  3. #3
    that if you get killed in opposite political territory by enemy guards
    i mean by NPC's not players.

    Stealing shouldnt be easy - also if u get caught stealing by shop keeper (i mean u can only steal from NPC shops) they will never serve you again.. its a risk u can take... do i steal this object, if it works i have an amazing item that i dont have to pay for, if i fail i will never be able to get it from this shop keeper again..
    Susanooh Nano-Technician
    Level 170
    Shadow Level 0
    Alien Level 2
    (Proud owner of Nullity Sphere Mk I, Mk II, Luxuary Jobe Apt. & Pet Leets) (Atlantean)
    Equip. & Imp. Layout

    /born Friday November 2nd 2001

  4. #4
    I just think it adds depth and a bit more realism...

    Jail breaking could be fun.. you could have loads of really nice new dungeons with Guard boss mobs
    Susanooh Nano-Technician
    Level 170
    Shadow Level 0
    Alien Level 2
    (Proud owner of Nullity Sphere Mk I, Mk II, Luxuary Jobe Apt. & Pet Leets) (Atlantean)
    Equip. & Imp. Layout

    /born Friday November 2nd 2001

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