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Thread: The 3 new tower buttons in the map

  1. #21

    Re: Still broken

    Originally posted by Finae
    and I thought this was just because I had a 3rd party GUI running
    Shhhh! I won't tell if you don't.


    220 Arinova - Bureaucrat
    207 Novatek - Soldier
    200 Vitalangel - Doctor
    200 Teknova - Fixer
    200 Je'Tina - Shade

  2. #22
    Originally posted by Aguitha
    Yep i get it too. See the page i made to illustrate that bug.
    Good page -- and I hate this bug too.

    Come on Funcom, squash it

  3. #23

    Red face bump it up


    This has happend to me as well. Running nvidia geforce 3 with latest drivers and lastest directx and all the windows2000 patches.

  4. #24
    Aguitha, Engineer
    Cratisha, Bureaucrat

  5. #25
    lol bump I just created a thread about this sorta..

  6. #26
    Yah big 'ol bump there. I hate clicking on a nano and having half my screen taken up by the place tower window.
    <Cheeze|Work> i told iwi to start her own guild
    <Cheeze|Work> "downward spiral"
    <Cheeze|Work> instead of "uprising"

  7. #27
    Weeeeeee and I thought I the only one to experience this.

    Sooo annoying.

    Bummpy Bump Bump

    (Only happened after I installed NW)


  8. #28

  9. #29

  10. #30
    Yep me too, again thought I was the only one suffering this so never mentioned it before
    Ghostimage ..[218.19 Doc]
    Redtail .........[218.14 Fix]
    Finmere .......[150.14 Enf]

  11. #31
    Almost lost a few team members because of this bug. Stupid window pops up when you click in the right/wrong? place.

    This needs a definate fix!

    C'mon FC!


    220 Arinova - Bureaucrat
    207 Novatek - Soldier
    200 Vitalangel - Doctor
    200 Teknova - Fixer
    200 Je'Tina - Shade

  12. #32
    Annoyed Bump
    Crossbuster Unit Member of storm

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