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Thread: I Hate Work

  1. #1

    I Hate Work

    MUST PLAY AO!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2


    I am posting this from work... I feel your pain, man....

  3. #3

    Talking ehehehehe

    mmmmm i luv work ....

    but is it really work ?

    tradeskillz ?

  4. #4
    Work sucks. My boss is a complete control freak jerk-off, but he's in another building across town. muahaha. muaahahaha.

  5. #5

  6. #6


    Originally posted by Ming
    Work sucks. My boss is a complete control freak jerk-off, but he's in another building across town. muahaha. muaahahaha.
    ehehehe pffff if my employees would talk like that about me ...

    pfffffff .... ,)

    but then i don't control them, i'm only smokin with 'em ..... ehehehehe
    tradeskillz ?

  7. #7
    I am actually the boss's son
    but I have almost no contact with the other employees because A: I am 14years old and B: my dad owns an ISP so every1 works from home and they are paid by how much work they get done.
    hope ppl liked that hyperlink.

  8. #8

    Post ...

    Oh, my bad.

    I thought you were saying you hated AO (work) but you were just talking about the work you get paid for, not the work you pay for...


  9. #9
    I hate school. High school, that is. High school has got to be the most sadistic institution ever established in the United States of America; the worst part is, people believe that it's helpful. And maybe it is for some people. But it isn't just those people that it helps that have to stay there until they're eighteen if they'd like to ever go to college (well, basically, anyway). It's everybody; and everybody in an IQ-range of about 75 to 160 (or above, perhaps) is forced to be in the same class (when there are no enriched classes or honors classes available, which is at least half of your classes). Do you know how boring it is to have to learn at the pace of someone who doesn't understand ideas of mediocre complexity? I mean, I'm sorry for them, and I'm thankful that I'm not one of them, but why, after so many years, am I still stuck with them?

    My school experience consists of being trapped in a non-stimulating room with a bunch of flippin morons who can't tell their a**es from holes in the wall (heh, and I don't mean the AO zone; that is a zone, I think). They are incapable of grasping abstract concepts, need to have sentences repeated to them about seven times before they can successfully transfer them into writing, and giggle every time someone says "condom." They are stuck in a stage of human development characterized by the blatant ignorance and stupidity that comes from looking like an adult and experiencing adult-like impulses, but actually being a child. I do realize that most adults are stupid, too (it's a human being thing...)...but god, oh god, how I HATE MOST OF MY PEERS!!! Even the honors classes are no safe haven. Math class consists of a barrage of dumba** questions being fired at the teacher for the first 3/4's of the period while I struggle to maintain enough interest to stay awake; the last quarter is usually a time when the dumba** questions come to a halt and more useful questions are asked (after they finally understand how to do problems 1-5 of 20); however, the endless stream of dumba** questions keeps the class from going into more important things like mathematical applications (or a deeper understanding of why this math is useful). These same said dumba**es then fail the test (unless they studied for about four hours) then whine when you get an A or a B on it because you helped wrecked the grade curve. Gee, sorry I paid more attention to what I was doing and don't have the problem of having to put lots of effort into understanding how to use basic algebra in the study of trigonometry. Even worse then Math classes, English classes in high school hardly ever actually truly analyze literature; they are more focused on making sure everyone understands simply what happened. If 1/4 of the class doesn't understand something, they hold the entire class at a standstill in learning until they do understand it. We hardly ever bother to have meaningful discussions about ideas and concepts. And let's not forget the wonders of freshmen and sophomore year when you are forced to write in the truly inspiring style of "concrete, commentary, commentary; concrete, commentary, commentary." Oh, what impressive writing!

    On top of being trapped in a situation where you constantly are bombarded with boredom and bouts of day dreaming (if you wish to not slip into a comatose state, that is), you are treated like the scum at the bottom of lakes for being a teenager, especially one in high school. Everyone automatically assumes that you're a retard with pyromaniacal tendencies. Actually, it is only about a twentieth or less of the student body that brings down the reputation of the whole of teenage-dom.

    I truly cannot wait to get into college where at least I can go more at my own pace. Why can't high school be a little more like college? Why do I have to take so many classes that are simply wasting my time? Four years of English? It really doesn't show in the general population in my opinion; many adults are, in spite of this immense amount of training, incurably bad at English-related tasks. McDonald's isn't helping when they say "Drive-Thru."

    Unfortunately, stupidity is an epidemic in society; did you know that the average teenager spends as much time watching television as they spend attending school? They should call us "Generation Potato." But at least when I finally get out of school (I love learning, but that's why I hate school) I'll be getting paid and can choose a job that I'll enjoy. Fortunately for me, high school is providing real life training for the trained monkey that I will have to be when I get a job. The piles of absolutely useless assignments (aka busywork), the occassionally non-too-bright "superiors," and the boring and repetitive tasks that I endure now will no doubt serve me well in the job market of tomorrow. Yeah for society.

    Sorry for that outpouring of cynicism (I'm rather prone to those), I'm actually not a raving mad psychopathic lunatic, but I really had to let out some steam. I'm sorry if some things are slightly exaggerated (I'm sure most of them can tell the difference between thier a**es and holes in the wall, afterall), but sometimes I just feel that going to school is futile and that I'm wasting a number of years of my life.

    I'll get down off my soap box now.

    *Added another sarcastic comment, for it seemed to fit the spiel well and fill a hole in the paragraph.
    Last edited by NightShade; Feb 13th, 2002 at 07:09:28.

  10. #10
    I know what you are going through NightShade.
    I hate school, I am only in the eight grade but I look older than I really am. It seems that while only 1/3 of shoplifting is done by ppl under the age of 21 we (ppl who are still in high/middle school) get blamed for it. They should really eliminate some of the stuff in school, where will I ever need to point out an adjective clause in a normal sentence? Nowhere, absolutely nowhere. There are many idiots in my classes also, the cant even understand the basis of geometry but the think that getting into calculus would look great on their record.
    I must admit that last year was the best school year ever, 1 of my classes was actually fun! Social studies doesn’t teach you that much when you spend a solid day talking about armored cars, then we had the most screwed up continental congress remake. I might as well blurt it out now rather then later, we decided to make a universal currency for the 13 colonies, New York teamed up with 2 other states in order to form a “Northern Alliance” which would have a different currency then all the other colonies, then they declared war on the rest of the colonies. Georgia joined in with them which only screwed it up more. Well, we finally got to pick out the color and design of the money after a week of arguing so we worked on what to do with the old money. That took a very long time, 2 weeks in fact. Half of the states wanted to burn the old money while the other half wanted to stamp it and save it for ‘historical reasons”. We finally decided to burn the money even though we were constantly mocked by a guy with an IQ of about –200 who claimed that the new type of money would fail then we would be broke since the only currency that we had left was being held by other countries. The teacher of that class wasn’t frustrated with us either, we were acting just like real politicians. In fact that teacher is going to be the principal of the elementary part of the school next year. O well, off to my life where I no longer care about anything because whatever I say will be ignored or even contradicted.
    If you want to stay away from the realm of idiots I would recommend reading “A brief History of Time” by Stephen Harking, or “Stephen Hawkins Universe” my David Filkin. Filkins book is for a bit more of insight and the theories are a bit off when you get to the end of the book, but it does have a nice perspective to it.

  11. #11

    Cool Wait until college...

    If you think high school is bad and are sick of having to take "useless" classes....just wait until you get to college. Your first two years of college will be happily (hahaha) spent taking more of the same English and Math classes you took in High School. Oh, and how can I forget - remember all that history you did in high school? Get ready for some more. General chemistry and biology courses - have to take them again. And if your High School DOES happen to have AP classes don't count on them. Just because you scored a 5 (highest) on your AP exams doesn't mean the college you are going to is going to accept this for credit.
    So - get ready for Math and programming classes with instructors who speak poor English, or labs with TA's who don't speak any English. Worse, you will probably get a TA for a biology or chemistry lab who has no idea what subject they are even teaching. I think my favorite college experince was the lady who tried to teach us college algebra in Chinese.
    Now I've been in college 6 years (due to my parental units wanting a doctor in the family I wasted 4 years getting my first degree in Biology/Microbiology) and will hopefully finish my IT major within the next year. Don't count on it, though: my Java professor speaks only fluent French and about 5 words in English, while my Comp Science professor's grader never took Comp Sci.

    Good Luck in college!

  12. #12
    personally found school fun (though I seemed to spend and equal amount of time infront of teachers being praised for achievments, or being in detention for breaking another school rule hehe) and I also quite like my job. Its really made by having the worlds dumbest and funiest boss

    But I do agree, I would rather be at home playing AO

    Lilnymph - Clan Fixer - RK1
    lilnymph wrote on November 21st, 2003 08:01:01:
    You may take our postcount threads, but you will never take our FREEDOM!!!!!
    Originally posted by Cz
    The post count is mine! All mine! Mwahahahah!

    40.476190476190474% of me is a huge nerd! How about you?
    Style over Substance

  13. #13

    speaking of

    speaking of useless class I just graduated a year ago and my school was the worst. Middle of a ghetto second to that of chicago, The classes were filled with idiots. Many times I did sleep in class then people would look at me like how did you get an A? "Easy" reply..."IM NOT A DUMBASS." Lit is a waste of time because of the mothers of america who banned mark twain, clockwork orange and other THOUGHT provoking material from school because some crazy people cant handle their brains working. Then in my school we're required to take 4 years of pe. hmm pe. Heres a basketball go play an hour a day for FOUR YEARS. I may be able to understand 2 years but NOT 4. Biggest waste of an hour ive ever experienced.
    Long live the metal
    Death to OT SCUM!!
    Member of the Mercury Dragons

  14. #14
    High school was hell for me. College was great. Quit whining, some day you'll be old!! Now THAT sucks.

  15. #15
    High school was the pits. College was great. But enjoy your youth while it lasts.

    Cause frankly adulthood ain't worth it. Responsibilities, working at a job you hate because you have bills to pay. Being expected to behave "like an adult" which basically means that if you're a gamer you're considered to be immature by the majority of the population.
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  16. #16
    Whats school?
    Whats a class?
    WORK ??

    Dont understand what the hell you are talking about so i better get back to AO, cya

  17. #17

    Gamer imature

    In a jobconference a while back they asked if I had any experience with computers. I answered that I played computer games and thus have alot of computer experience. WOW that conference ended fast...

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