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Thread: Stats/Minimap Bug

  1. #1

    Stats/Minimap Bug


    I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but I know it's made my life as a soldier miserable. The new buttons dealing with tower building on the mini map seem to interfere with the icons representing currently running nano programs in the stats window. If i need to click on a friendly nano program to remove it to free up ncu or in the more serious case to end my currently running reflect shield to run TMS, I am unable to do so because it seems though the buttons are not currently displayed they are still there. So if i try to right click on (for example) Partial Reactive Reflection Shield in my stats window to end it so that I can run Total Mirror Shield Mk VII I get the window for placing a control tower. This is seriously inconvenient as a MOB is usually whailing away on me while im trying to cancel reflect and run TMS.

    Can something be done about this?
    Preferably, make TMS automatically cancel any currently running Shields, instead of displaying the Better Nano Program currently running message.
    Rk1- Sol Epsilon3

    -Gameover Man
    -Summoned, I come. I take the place which has been Prepared for me. I am grey, I stand between the candle and the star. We are grey, we stand between the darknes, and the light.

  2. #2
    Those buttons extend to all the menu's.
    It happens on the wear screen on your NCU chips and all the othe stuff that is on the same lvl as the minimap buttons.

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