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Thread: Tradeskill caps

  1. #1

    Tradeskill caps

    Does anyone know where tradeskills cap for a specific class, im guessing an enforcer for example would not be able to cap tradeskills at the same level as a Trader would at Level 200, i.e. a Trader would always have a higher base at lvl 200 if both had maxed tradeskills. Is there a chart somewhere that shows where each classes skills cap? Thanks

    PC RK1

  2. #2
    i don't know the exact numbers, but i believe it has a lot to do with both your Profession and Breed. At TL5 Cap my Nanomage engineer has Green Tradeskills capped at 690 and the Blue/Green Tradeskills capped at about 680. I'm sure there is a better system for finding out, but I don't run the numbers just giving you a heads up on what you can really expect. I'd imagine that I will be breed capped at around 715 and 725 in those skills early into TL6.

  3. #3


    For a level 200 solitus engineer, I capped around lvl 199 and ended in most around 732/733 except Pharmatech and Psychology. Though I think they are a bit higher than they should be because I have a few intelligence implants.
    Novice Jica - Nobel Prize Engineer
    Clan Apocalypse - The Guild for Models

    Jica's Tradeskills & Tower Shop

    "What is the definition of an engineer?"
    "Someone who solves a problem you didn't know you had, in a way you don't understand."

  4. #4


    mercatura -ae f. [trade, traffic; merchandise]

    Moved off-world and found real tradeskills...along with many other things

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