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Thread: Level 35 Omni-Engineer

  1. #1

    Level 35 Omni-Engineer

    I visited the Steps of Madness, and i have to say that while i could kill the first 2mobs in the dungeon alone (the fight with the 2nd one was loooooooooooooong though) the mobs have entirely too much HP to make this a worthwhile endeavour, i dont even see how going with a group would make this dungeon a worthwhile attempt because literally the mobs have 5x the hp of thier counterparts elsewhere, and give the same xp...

    spending 10 min fighting a mob and burning 50 nanokits for no loot and only 1024xp is not fun.


    I have heard of "Dyna Camps" but i still have yet to find any that are above the level 5-10 range, so i cant really rely on them i guess.

    I also heard that Dyna Camp bosses are on some insane 18-hour spawn timer, making the location of these camps also an incredible improbability.

    Is there some place that i can go to level, that just has XP, i dont care about Dyna-Bosses (although it would be nice) i just want to find a place not in a mission to level in peace and quiet.


    I know that there will be some people that will tell me to "go explore" and "try to group" and whatever, but as an engineer i find that not many people want to group with me, and i HAVE explored as much as i can without running into hoards of red creatures.

    EVERYTHING i see is either "much too high for you" or grey, and it is very frustrating.

    Is there some kind of "level chart" i can see that will tell me what zones and areas have creatures in the level 30 to 40 range?

    thank you for any help

  2. #2
    Take a look here Hunting-Places and if your omni Lush Hills would be a good place for your lvl.

  3. #3
    thank-you but i have looked there

    30+ | Rhinos | Rhinoman’s Valley | Newland Desert | ?

    that is the only listing for a level 35 omni engineer.

    Is this truely the single, solitary location where a level 35 can garner XP?

  4. #4
    ---------->Lush hills<-------- Cant be better from lvl 30-50. Dont have the coords here now but will post them after the servers are up.

  5. #5
    Bear in mind that Dyna camps are designed for teams so you are _expected_ to team up and take a camp on that is of a higher level than you

    All the static dungeons (except perhaps the new low level one) have MOBs with insane HP (although they dont hit any harder), again they are supposed to be team experiences (having said that SOM seems to have been made tougher in a recent patch) but unlike a dyna camp youll need a team of higher players than the MOBs colour suggests (my team of 3 level 50's have trouble getting through the last room before Neleb) but if you manage to kill Nelebs the reward is definately worth it (for you)

    Its just a shame theres not alot of XP in it
    Dont you think I look like Geordie from Star Trek?
    Actually I look more of a cross between him and Picard don't I?

  6. #6
    well, i know that when i group with my friend the xp is lowered, and since those mobs didint drop anything for me, its not really worth it to go in and fight green to yellow mobs with a group for no xp or loot.

    i will check out lush fields i guess.

  7. #7

    the problem you are facing is

    that ao works like this:

    build yourself with implants buffs and whatever means available to you so you can succeed in taking missions at least your level, preferably a notch or three higher on the diff slider.

    then run your lil ass off until you are decked out in armor at least your level and have all relevant nanos.

    then find a team to make mad xp.

    teams for any sort of advancement. solo for any sort of upkeep.

    deviate from this patch at your own risk.
    sept 03 - the day ao was keeled by sl.

    gone now. byebye.

  8. #8
    actually, just finding mobs in the level range i can solo is all i need.

    There has to be a plot of level 30 to 40 mobs somewhere out there.

    Its the finding them that is hard to do, i wish FunCom would put out a listing of mob level-ranges associated with the zones.

    Nothing revealing, just like "Omni Greater Forest - Mob levels (5) to (50)"

  9. #9
    Juggy, the old dungeons are not made for gaining xp, they are made to obtain one or two special items. That is SOM= Nelebs coat, Foremans=TIM scope/cratsuit, Den=QBlade/Egg and so on. If u want xp dont go to a dungeon (exception is subway).
    In ur lvl range u can go SW pipes or NW mines in Lush. Good place for hunting and getting xp, best with full team.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    1050 x 2030 Mobs lvl 25-30

    310 x 2150 Mobs lvl 25-30

    600 x 1600 Mobs lvl 40

    950 X 2900 Mobs lvl 60-65

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