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Thread: will there be global messages when our towers are attacked?

  1. #1

    will there be global messages when our towers are attacked?

    One of the concerns is how easy will it be or how long will it take to destroy a land controlled area/towers.

    In daoc it was always a concern that 'ninja' raids take place where a keep or relic could be captured undefended by players in a short time. This did happen and they implemented global warnings messages when keeps were taken, guards informed of number of attackers etc etc...

    I hope this will be the case with NW so that we have some time to get to our post to defend without having to have a person sit at the tower to watch 24/7.

    As with anything i'm sure the balancing of power of these towers will take place because they have not seen 30+ lvl 150's attack a tower and judge how fast it will go down. In anycase some warning, to the Org at minimum and possibly any faction player at a certain title so that they may get to the scene of the battle.

    Umm.. yes, i chose a crat.. i know.. WHY oh WHY?

    Rocco Romble Eberling

    Playing my alt Lakespeed like many other crats

    Account Created 2001-06-28 3:08:07

  2. #2

  3. #3
    There is a warning on your guild chat channel when a tower of your org is attacked.

  4. #4
    Not only does you Org Chat scroll the warning message, you will be allowed to Grid there. You can grid to every camp your org owns through the Grid, I think. but for sure at least the ones under attack. You can find the camp grid thing right next to the emergency exit on the ground level.

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