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Thread: Hacking a Computer Database For Sensitive Information

  1. #1

    Hacking a Computer Database For Sensitive Information

    I think it would be a great idea to add a GUI which would allow Agents/Fixers and such classes to hack a computer database to retrieve sensitive information lodged within the intricate system. Once such information is attained, onw would be able to sell the information to third parties for cash and/or experiance. You could also implement quests specifically for hacking purposes, wherein one could break into a system, get to the core of the system, or mainframe, and retrieve info necessary to return to their quest giver to either move on to a harder quest or whatever. There should also be ways that a user could block certain passages within the computer system and then both would be able to battle for rights of passage. I would think computer literacy would take on a whole new level.

    To the other players reading this. What do you guys think of this idea? I know the thought isn't original. I stole the idea from the game Shadowrun but since they havent come out with an online MMORPG, I figured Funcom could have a head start. If you don't implement this idea, someone else will.

  2. #2


    This would be real cool, If i get it right ...

    I walk around doing things, doin mission LVLing ..killing fellow clanners in PvP, entering Dungeons speaking to other PPLs ..and so on.... and som info of what i am doing in game are loged and are acssesbel from some kind of "police" record or somthing that ppls whit the right prof are abel too hack if they have the skill (very high skill) ... this would be real ccol Bounthunting/assasination,, geting info about the target, Map out the targets life.. hack down some info ..and kill target ..

    Bump on that ..or did i get it wrong?
    Synaptikk, Adventurer, Omni, RK-1
    Zhaga, Engineer, Omni, RK-1
    Foulplay, Agent, Omni, RK-1

    KEEPER OF "ADVBOT" @ RK-1, JOIN!! (read about it)

    "Moment of terror is the beginning of life" - Front242

  3. #3
    This is something that AO really could benefit from. Computer hacking interfaces actually doing hacking...instead of the click-click hacking thats going on right now. Unfortunately I cant really see this coming to light anytime soon since AO is going to be moving more toward a metaphysical good vs. evil persona than a hacker-cyberpunk- Sifi game that it is right now.

    Squad Commander: The Forsaken

    (lvl 4)

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