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Thread: Importent question

  1. #1

    Importent question

    I am on the edge of ordering Notrium war.

    I am in a guild (Medium large with a lot of smal characters.)
    I HATE PvP. My highest wish is that it was a PvP and a non-PvP server.

    Is there a point for me to buy Nortium War? (I will not defend any towers I set up, and if those cost a lot I don't think it will be many of them) (I will probably not buy the new Yalms anyway even if I have the Notrium war)
    Once a gimp, always a gimp

  2. #2
    I've been on beta, and I can tell you with some certainty that if you're not wanting to PvP you shouldn't buy NW.

    The new yalms are nice (although it's tough to tell the difference on beta when everyone's zipping around at the same uber speed ;-p ) but if you're not interested in an assault vehicle (the new tanks) or PvP via the towers you're not going to enjoy the game much.

    The towers give nice bonuses, sortof an all-the-time nano buff like expertise in certain skills, but if you're not going to be on your toes to defend them you're going to lose them before you've had much chance to enjoy the benefits.

    What else is on beta? Sorry, can't say, and I haven't revealed anything beyond what's in the articles by GG already. That whole NDA is a pain, but you'll see once the NW CD gets to your door.

  3. #3
    Ok. So wait and see then?
    Once a gimp, always a gimp

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