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Thread: Hey! This merchant is outdamaging me!

  1. #21
    numbers are a sign of playability. People will go with whats easiest...thats our get the most out of something with the smallest possible effort.... I garuntee you if tomorrow someone showed up at the NW cave in lush with a trader doing 1000+ dmg a shot thered be 100 new traders within an hour. I see very few traders and crats, which leads me to believe they are not at all playable

  2. #22
    Most players will not be able to make a decent "war"-trader because of this:

    1) It takes REALLY good planning to spend your IPs right. You have light blue skills everywhere (almost hehe) and you can quickly gimp your trader.

    2) It is VERY expensive to make a "war"-trader. HighQL shotguns and highQL are not something you just buy for a few cents.

    I am sure there are a few more reasons. My lvl 66 trader is the 3rd profession I am playing and I am glad I didn't start out with this profession and will not recommend any new AO-players to do so.

    Yes we do well, but because we do ok and some professions are not balanced it means traders needs to be nerfed? I don't understand the logic. I think some people are just so focused on the crits. Even though I have a rather high QL vektor soldiers and agents can still outdamage or do equal damage as me. And don't forget who makes it possible for all other professions to solo other stuff than grey by wrangling? Any idea how much playtime I use on doing so?

    Fix whats broken, not whats actually working.

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