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Thread: Mission Terminals - More Intuitive

  1. #1

    Mission Terminals - More Intuitive

    Is it possible to make the mission terminals more intuitive.

    Possible split into catagories of mission rewards, like weapons, armour, nanos, Implants and Clusters and Miscellaneous.

    Or possibly have class orientated subcatagories.

    Have some way of pre-defining what you are looking for.

    The sliders dont really work in a way that seems to help in this respect.

    The amount of items available as mission loot makes pouring through all of them to get one item a real pain. Every class has its armour weapons and nanos on the mission terminal list and the clusters and implants, it takes ages to find the one item you need.

    For team mission terminals - how about a specific reward for every class in the team, by entering specified destination and also the classes in group and their prefered reward, so the terminals do the searching for you and give you the mission set out by your pre-defined preferences.

    One last whine on missions, im not fooled by missions being in different locations and still being of the same design as the missions in the place you begin from, maybe make missions in diferent locations give specific loot or have at least a different colour scheme.

    Sorry to be a pain in the neck but - Touche'

  2. #2
    I don't know if this has been proposed before, but how about giving you a choice as to where your mission is to with the understanding that certain areas will offer you less rewards?

    Like a Checklist:

    [] Tir
    [] Newland
    [] Newland Desert
    [] Varmint Woods

    Then the game will generate possible missions based upon your criteria. Since certain areas won't be available to you based upon your level anyway, you just vary the checklist based upon the user's level. Then you don't have to worry about rolling 5-6 missions to areas you don't want to go to anyway and dropping credits to keep re-rolling.

    Just make it optional lilke a preference. You don't have to check any boxes if you want to see the breadth of missions you can pull. But if you have a preference, check what you want.

  3. #3


    Anything would be better than becoming a CLickersaver freak - I hate it. Takes too long to find the one obscure item you are looking for, needs to be a way of making the search more controled - its pretty bad the way it is.
    Q. Whats the best weapon for an Engineer?
    A. Duel Wield 2 Screwdrivers FTW

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