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Thread: Morphing Memory

  1. #1

    Morphing Memory

    hrmm, can anyone tell me what the reqs are on morphing memory? The item databases say it req comp lit and psychic, but I read in an auction once that they take psychology and comp lit. Can anyone clarify this for me? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Psychic and CompLit. If anyone wrote anything else, they made a typo.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the tip man, appreciate it.

  4. #4


    Is this a random mission reward? A quest reward? So far, haven't figured out where it is to be found.
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  5. #5
    You find the Morphing mems in the new Subway dungeons. THey're in Old Athen, Borealis and Omni Ent (I think). Level req is sub-25, so if you're over that level, you need to roll an alt to go there and have fun. They drop quite frequently, so you should be able to get one for you and one for the alt and a couple for friends too in a few hours of work.

    Kirikiri - Trader
    General, Depot Division
    Ancarim Iron Legion
    Gattolina - NT
    Ancarim Iron Legion

  6. #6


    Thank you! Going to summon up a couple Flying Meatballs tonight and head out that way. Am level 13 with the MP, so am under the dungeon limit.

    Be nice to scrounge up 3 for all the 'family'
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