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Thread: Player run shops

  1. #1

    Player run shops

    I have a suggestion on how to make this happen. you can make a normal shop that takes out a set % for the final sell. this would pay for the storage. The shops would look like the others but it should be in a diffrent building and called a Market or a Flea market or someting like that. That way we know where we are going to get the stuff. and when the Purches is done the owner of the Items should be notified (with the option to squlech it if she/he wants to) and have teh money trasnfered to the user's accoun.

    A way to balance this is also to charge the play the number of slots. make a flat rate for x number of slots and for every addtional slot should cost X amount ( that would stop it from being an extra bank. Or it should anyway)

  2. #2
    I like the Market or a Flea market idea!

    That would really kick butt.. Everyone has their own little corner and people come and gather around to see what everyone has...

    You can even decorate your area with apartment type items.. Tables, Gun Cabinets, Clothing Racks.. etc.. depending on what your selling..

    (edit) All we really need is the map makers to allocate some space in every city and make some easy way of being able to view peoples items (ie.. backpack type item that can be viewed by anyone but cannot remove the items.. then everyone can just tell the seller what they want..) (/edit)
    Last edited by bluefoot; Jan 11th, 2002 at 18:43:48.

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Talking Great idea

    This is a great idea!

  5. #5
    have to agree i like this idea....

  6. #6
    Take a look at Last Ditch. I have a feeling it's going to be the flea market and player housing starting point. TONs of houses there just waiting to be occupied. And then all those market stalls with nobody in them. Not to mention a popular nightclub right in the middle of it all. Throw Whom'pa access in from a Neutral town and we're all in business.

    I think that some things may be pretty far along and we just don't know it yet.

    EDIT: I'd also like to point out the ID extractor and Holo Camera that they recently put into game. They currently only work on your lock pick to make it 'personal' and NODROP. But the description hints that this will work on keys in the future. Obviously FunCom is working on housing functionality that is more in line with what UO provided.
    Last edited by Bionitrous; Jan 14th, 2002 at 21:26:58.

  7. #7


    Just give me a small booth to place my stuff for sale and the price I ask, and I will be happy for at least a minute before remebering something else you need to put into the game.

  8. #8


    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  9. #9
    Bump. Sounds like a good idea. I just think this game's got so much potential, and I see empty towns, empty houses... it's kind of disheartening.

  10. #10

    Thumbs up

    ~ Rubi-Ka 2 ~
    Lokbiph - 63 NT
    Lokchi - 49 Enf
    Gnuyan - 33 Doc

  11. #11
    You know wat would be really awesome? If instead of hiting the "attack" button, you could actually aim and shoot (or nano or tell a pet to attack for that manner) and all areas could be areas where you could attack people, but there would be people controled police who keep the peace, this would also make it where omni and clan could seige each others citys and stuff, This seems like a whole new game maybe someday funcom'll make some other game that's like that. wow, that's one really long run-on sentence.

  12. #12
    that flea market = awesome idea bump

  13. #13


    Fantastic idea. I hope it is do-able.
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