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Thread: which classes don't suck

  1. #1

    which classes don't suck

    All i hear is whinning about my class sucks, "(insert profession here) is gimped ass and useless, we hit for nothing and get killed fast". My question is, are any classes not Gimped? I think you all just are taking your faults to seriouly and not looking at bright side of things. ADVs may be gimped but they got morphs, hey thats something i don't have, for example. So answer my question, who isn't gimped? because by your whining it seems that all classes suck.

  2. #2


    im quite happy with my NT, the only problem i see is that (sometimes !) im told that my target is outside of range, even if im standing right next to it... otherwise i see no major issues

    ... dondope (neutral NT)

  3. #3


    I'm happy with my bureaucrat, I can still solo missions and it's so nice being able to have others do the fighting for me. My current level is 90 and I'm soloing missions with ql 105-110 rewards. It's risky but it's not like I die in every mission either.

    We have some pet pathing problems and some of our nanos aren't working very well, but we have no gamebreaking problems in my opinion. I'm also looking forward to getting tradeskills, that will be a nice addition to our profession.
    Vincent Stritzke
    Omni-Tek Rubi-Ka

  4. #4
    Enforcers dont suck, I only know of one whiney enforcer on the boards and he is full of it
    I am Dnastyone Official Broom pusher for The Professionals
    Painmage my newest funnest guy

    I would have to say that this is an typicall example of how an flame should not look like. You need to think things through and calm down before you try to write an flame... Im sorry but I would rate this flame with an 1. Aggression is to high, grammar and cursing isnt to well planned... Maybe he has an point somewhere in there but I dont even want to find it. - Centurion3


  5. #5
    Enforcers definitively. I just had to back up Yazule on that one.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

  6. #6
    Im a MA, but i wouldn't recommend them in the sorry state they are in now(minimum damage, crappy nanos) i would choose Enforcer, Meta-Physicist or Doctor

  7. #7
    Haven't found too much wrong with the MP profession so far. I've played an MA and a crat past 50 as well and both those professions need some work, especially the MA. The crat lacks a bit on useful buffs but is a very challenging profession to play. The MA has a real problem with minimum damage against certain opponents like human NPC adventurers or enforcers and several of the MA special attacks don't work as intended.

  8. #8
    well... from what I have seen MP and Engies seem to be ok... at least at higher levels... I saw a Lvl 123 MP solo the trash king... so that's obviously amazing considering he hits for 800 on average.... and I regular see engies soloing at the veteran camp....

    In another note, I won't say agent SUCK, but we are certainly very limitted in what we are able to do at the moment... up until about level 75 agents are the bomb, because they can ridiculously overequip and maybe even a little passed that.... once you hit about level 105 agents don't match up very well against other classes... and false proffesions are slow to the point that they aren't useful except to be able to do that buff from the proffesion you are missing in your team. After about lvl80 there is very little hope of soloing as an agent... Some of us can still sneak hard missions, but many are having serious problems with it.... It seems to be really screwed up... At level 105 I should be using Ruse of Taren II, but I didn't upgrade to it, because I have heard a lot of complaints... without upgrading too it, I am having little problems sneaking missions, but agents who have upgraded are complaining about not making it into the second room. So there seems to be some rolloever problem if you have more concealment than the mob has perception.

    Soldiers seem fine, from what I can tell... I got a good laugh about one completely going off on the boards about how they are so weak they should be removed from the game... I think it is just frustration over the fact that you'd think that people that want to be the heavy damage dealers were more likely to start a soldier and I'm sure it would drive me crazy if I were getting owned by docs, MP's, etc... I hear that if you survive their burst, FA, Fling you got a decent chance of beating them (that is if they don't use MK X which lasts for 2 minutes of 75% reflect damage.

    I don't hear many traders complaining either.... although they prefer the overequipping to nerfing it, as they make a lot of money selling wrangles and can go way over their head in shotguns.

    I do feel sorry for the fixers... I see them very akin to the agents as not having a real identity to their class... Although Grid Armor was a good addition by Funcom for them, but why'd they have to make it impossibly rare.

    I think one complaint I have read from NT's is that they thought they should be the heaviest damage dealing class in the game... I'm not sure how to understand this.... but I agree that since their hp's are low and they have no heals then they should obviously hit harder than someone that has higher hp's or can heal... as they will need it, so they don't get owned. I think they 50% cap and 40% of max hp cap hurt NT's the most. Ironic since I saw many supporting it as a way to end alpha-strikes on them.

    Doc's seem to be somewhat happy at the moment, but I think they move up the hate list awful fast.... Docs seem to die with great regularity the higher level you go.... guess they need to have more tanks they can hold aggro.

    I think Crat's could use a little love from funcom... maybe some cool new toys are something... but I think they are underrated atm. they have pets and can get a mob as a pet which is really cool.. and I always prefer to have them in my teams because of their xp buff.

    I didn't say anything about enforcers, because as I saw that has been covered with my sentiments in earlier posts.

    And I really don't know a whole lot about adventurers... I saw a few asking for concealment to be fixed though.

    These are merely my take on the current state of things... I hope Funcom has some really cool improvements in the works to be implemented before february... having read their proffesions independent boards, I know MA's and Agents are considering leaving in droves in the next month, as they are becoming very frustrated at being more and more unplayable as they level. Ironically I think around Lvl 20 these may be two of the top PvP classes... along with traders.

  9. #9

    Many have a bit of an identity problem. Adventurers are supposed to be "master of the wilderness", that most of us don't feel we are (personally, the only thing I see in that way is our green runspeed and our runspeed buffs, which makes it a lot easier than some other profession to survive in dangerous place - but at some point everyone gets a yalm though, so it's not a real advantage)

    They can be decribed also as "jack of all trades, who can do a bit of everything but are the best at nothing".

    I think that's what we are. I find we are a good soloing class, I think we can be useful in teams (we're often only seen as backup healers, although I think we can make also either a decent damage dealer or a decent tank or puller on top of that if there's no one else to fill that role in the team)

    Personally, I'd just like to see the combat rules revised to improve fast weapons (which would in fact probably solve the problems of MAs, Pistols users, and fast melee weapons users)

    And some fixes on our morphs would be welcome (especially since it's our only unique feature)

    Overall, I'm rather satisfied as an adventurer so far.

  10. #10
    I play MA, MP, Adventurer, Agent and now Engineer and Enforcer. The MA is my main and although there are some problems with it (namely minimal damage) I tend to just work around the problems and still like the class.

    I think some people tend to whine and complain first and don't try to work around what the problem is. A lot of the problems may be just temporary after all. Maybe they should just consider them to be challenges rather than gimps.
    Anastasia "Aniee" Cervenak
    Martial Artist

    Man is the only animal that blushes, or needs to. -------Mark Twain

  11. #11
    I started out as NT. I have started many alt chars later, but always return to my NT as being the most interesting to play.

    But I suspect all professions have something to offer if you learn their strengths and put up with their weaknesses.

    Just try them all and see which one(s) fit your playstyle.
    Seid. Clan Nano Technician, Atlantean
    Proud member of Opposing Force ( Website )
    Seid's Hideout : Home of the Friends List Tool
    I would like to see a mail system in AO, for letters, money and goods, and with mail order !

  12. #12


    My main is an Engineer. It's been a love/hate relationship so far. At 74 and happy with him. I can now solo missions at 70-80% if I'm careful.

    I have found the trick to mission is to get my pet in the room with the mob or NPC, start the fight and then run back to the last room I was in. Sometimes I have to run back and forth from room to room a few times before the mob/npc will stop and fight my pet. Once that happens, I can sit and heal my pet while it fights. However this trick doesn't work against 2 or more light orange (or above) Enforcers or chain healer types.

    I have also found if I stay near the end of my range mobs will stay on my pet and leave me alone. At this point I will wait for burst and fling to come back and when it does, I take a few steps towards the mob and fire. This will turn the mob on me and for some reason, my pet will do more damage during this time. After I get off my burst and fling, I take a few steps back and the mob will turn on my pet again. I can then heal up and wait for burst and fling again, if needed.

    However, I do recall a time around level 40 to 55 or so, my Engineer was difficult to play. I couldn't solo green mobs back then and money was tight. I think this was a combination of game tweaking by FC and my own stupid mistakes in IP allocations. Also, I have lost some IP once or twice, but that is a different issue.

    All in all, I'm happy with the state of my Engineer today. A few levels up the road I might feel different. If we get an IP wipe, or if I were to re-roll, I would do things differently. Like build my shotgun skills instead of AR. And my choice of armor would be different. But I think the level caps we all run into are there to help us change our mind if we want to.


  13. #13

    don't we feel better.

    don't you fell better now that you have looked to positives in classes instead of negatives.
    p.s I am a crat so i agree with what was said about them.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Seid
    I started out as NT. I have started many alt chars later, but always return to my NT as being the most interesting to play.

    But I suspect all professions have something to offer if you learn their strengths and put up with their weaknesses.

    Just try them all and see which one(s) fit your playstyle.

    My sentiments exactly. I have a 66 NT, a couple of toons in their 50s , and a myriad of baby toons. I always come back to my NT. Yea they dont do the damage we NTs would like to , but who is to say one day they wont. Its a challenge, and it fits my play style, she loves her friends, she loves to roleplay and make implants. All in all she is loads of fun, and I have always enjoyed a for me, its NT till 200.

    66 Solitus NT with bad hair

  15. #15
    Originally posted by Laeni
    I think some people tend to whine and complain first and don't try to work around what the problem is. A lot of the problems may be just temporary after all. Maybe they should just consider them to be challenges rather than gimps.
    Well spoken Laeni. I play an agent and while I am no where near as powerful as I once was and no I can't solo a 50% mission anymore, I still have fun doing what I can and working around the problems.

  16. #16
    I love playing a Bearucrat.

    I have no real complaints.

  17. #17
    Originally posted by Mirdok

    Well spoken Laeni. I play an agent and while I am no where near as powerful as I once was and no I can't solo a 50% mission anymore, I still have fun doing what I can and working around the problems.
    Awww... THAT'S THE KEY!!! To have fun.... I think I could have fun playing any class... of course I also come on here to express my displeasure or contentment, whenever someone else starts a thread, because it is important to let Funcom know how you feel about the playability of your class

    I have a level 110 agent... It's starting to become very, very difficult to level. But that OK... last night I gained 300k xp (about 1/8th of a level) and I tried some missions (died in every one of them) and then I sat in Omni-trade chatting to my guild, trying to sell stuff on the shopping channel, and helping guildmates out... gave them a bunch of free armor and weapons and stuff. As well as a few free buffs. I never charge guildies for anything. It just isn't right. In fact I bought one of my guildies an engie reconditioning nano... because it is rare and I could afford it and she can't.

    Anyways... the second I stop having fun (i.e. all my friends quit and I am still not playable) would be when I walk away from the game. Til Then... HAVE FUN... and then any class is worth playing.

  18. #18
    Originally posted by eleetist
    Awww... THAT'S THE KEY!!! To have fun.... I think I could have fun playing any class... of course I also come on here to express my displeasure or contentment, whenever someone else starts a thread, because it is important to let Funcom know how you feel about the playability of your class
    Let me ask though how many times its been posted. "This class is uber cause of . . . No its not we suck. . .Yes you are. . . No we're not." To me this is no longer having a rational discussion about your displeasure on your class. Only thing it does is lets you vent steam. Which may or may not be necessary.

    So your lack of playability has been said before, ok so its been said several times before. And I think thats my point. Funcom should know by this time that something is wrong within the classes. In my case and yours they should know that agents hate Conceal, hate Aimed Shot and hate the state of the False Profession Nanos. (Which consequently is the three big draws for an agent.) That is they know if Cosmik is truly taking the info to the development team (which I don't doubt that he is doing). Why they have not fixed them? Who knows. Something that we the paying population will most likely never know.

    To get the thread back on topic. I have started an MP. With a generous cash donation I have had little trouble raising her up to 50 in about 2 weeks. The cash was crucial in the rapid development. But even without it, it seems an easy class to me right now, now this may change when I get into the mid levels. (On the sly though, even the MPs are not completly happy with their class, pet pathing being the biggest complaint) One would also have to take into effect that I've been playing the game for quite some time and I don't have the initial learning curve to deal with.

    Other easy classes. Seems Enforcers are real happy with what they have. I can't tell you for sure though I havn't played one.

  19. #19


    Engineers rock! you get to sit back and watch while your robot does all the work. Right now im using a QL.13 Pitchfork for a weapon and im lvl.40 lol, I never need to fight so I don't invest IP in weapons. The only thing I ever worry about is my Matter Creation and Time&Space, for creating my robot.

  20. #20
    Which Classes don't suck?

    --> GM <--
    -- Falling never killed anyone, its always the landing.
    Telgi-61 Solitus Enforcer
    Gauf-31 Nanomage Doctor
    Saruzi- -=128=- Opifex Nano-Technician.
    Manstien-44 Solitus Soldier

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