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Thread: Idea for extra tokens

  1. #1

    Smile Idea for extra tokens

    K here is my idea. ATM there is no token board above 1K. Either add a 2K, or 3K. Or set up a way that you can by certain things with the tokens. Stuff can cost anywhere from 1 to 1000 tokens. But if you do buy something , they will be deducted from your total. Idea's. plus below I have an idea for a 3.4K award

    Slot: Neck
    Value: 40
    Mass: 0.01
    Can: Carry, Wear, Use, CanBeWornWithSocialArmor
    ItemType: Armor
    Flags: VisibleFlag, HasRotation, NoDrop, Unique
    AttackTime: 0.01s

    ToWear: Self Side == Omni
    Self OmniTokens >= 3400
    Self TitleLevel >= 5

    Modify Wearer PoisonDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer MaxHealth 950
    Modify Wearer MaxNanoEnergy 950
    Modify Wearer XPModifier 10
    Modify Wearer AddAllDef 10
    Modify Wearer AddAllOff 10
    Modify Wearer MeleeDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer FireDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer RadiationDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer ColdDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer ChemicalDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer ProjectileDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer NanoDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer EnergyDamageModifier 10
    Modify Wearer RunSpeed 250
    Modify Wearer ComputerLiteracy 250
    Modify Wearer NanoProgramming 250
    Modify Wearer Concealment 140
    Modify Wearer Perception 100
    Modify Wearer RadiationAC 150
    Modify Wearer ChemicalAC 150
    Modify Wearer MeleeAC 150
    Modify Wearer EnergyAC 150
    Modify Wearer ProjectileAC 150
    Modify Wearer PoisonAC 150
    Modify Wearer FireAC 150
    Modify Wearer ColdAC 150

    Plus it will add a major skill depending on what Class you are.
    Example Nt MC +40-50

    Tell me what you think

  2. #2
    Dude, when I get 2000 tokens I want access to Philip Ross' personal bar and his secret cluster shop. I want to get invited to his fancy parties. I want a raise, stock options and a free dental plan. And I want a bloody T-shirt, ok?
    Jefferey "Frappe" Mischler

  3. #3


    Don't forget your free hat too

  4. #4
    But seriously, I don't think more skill bonuses will lead to anything but more level restrictions. Providing better service for destinguished employees would be better IMO. E.g.
    • QL 150-200 shops which you need 2000 tokens to access.
    • Automatic (and free) update of your insurance record when you use the grid (just send a copy of my digital signature to my last insurance terminal).

    Omni-Tek would be wise to take care of it's most valued players.

    Clanners could get free soap or something. *shrug*
    Jefferey "Frappe" Mischler

  5. #5
    somthing for my 4k board would be nice
    Level 200 Eng

    My name was nerfed if you wish to contact me ingame please use superslang

    These are great days we're living, bros! We are jolly green giants, walking the earth with guns. These people we wasted here today are the finest human beings we will ever know. After we rotate back to the world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around that's worth shooting.

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