Mech. Engi: 1037
Elec. Engi: 1037
Quantum FT: 1028
Nano Prog: 1113
Comp. Lit: 1224
Chemistry: 912
B&E: 864 + 130 fixer buff if needed.

*Note: this is max of what I can get in every skill.
Including my maestro buffs and QL 200 imps.
Some of the skills can still get
higher with various items I carry.

- VT Egg
- Dragon Armor
- QL 200 Carbon Armor
- QL 200 Bronto Armor
- QL 200 Weapons
- QL 200 Implants
- QL 205 Nanos (Do not bring any QL 250 rocks!)
- QL 200 Treatment library (Gen/Doc/Fixer)
- QL 200 Personalized Robot Brain
- QL 200 Implant Disassembly
- QL 200 Aggression Trimmer
- Tuning tanks any QL.

Tradeskill info:
Before you ask for my services, get he parts
that is needed, tools needed I provide.


*don't bump it.. just want it on my signature...