looks like FC forgot that there were GMIs in west athens, so if anyone needs to activate grace or get some creds, you might want to give the place a visit ;P
Edit: they are disabled, duh..
looks like FC forgot that there were GMIs in west athens, so if anyone needs to activate grace or get some creds, you might want to give the place a visit ;P
Edit: they are disabled, duh..
Last edited by Enfohip; Feb 4th, 2017 at 16:46:26.
And this right here is the problem. We don't know how big of a problem it actually is because they don't communicate. Anything. Ever.
It would be a lot easier to be patient and wait if we had even some info about the issue and some estimate when we can expect a solution.
The fact that i don't like them thanking for my patience might be a cultural feature or something but where i'm from, you don't thank people for their patience when you screw up (ok, maybe this was some outside hack and not entirely FC's fault, but still server security etc are their responsibility in the end so ultimately it is their screw-up and their responsibility to fix). You apologize and fix the problem! And afterwards when the problem is fixed you can thank for patience and understanding. Not Before.
Aeliniyah Opifex Doc | Venkula Solitus Doc | Rohtoiivari Trox Doc | Yutheron Solitus Trader Ianamura NM Crat
Technigyro Trox Enfo | Gizmoplex Trox Keeper | Icarya Opi MA | Vinetto Opifex Shade | Retku Solitus Engineer
Geraplex Trox Sold | Tuulispaa Opifex Fixer | Wertion Solitus MP | Kemoplex Trox MA
And a fleet of other alts...
I'm with Aeliniyah here....just some basic feedback would be good. The GMI issue has been going on for a number of days, but we have heard nothing about the problem, or it's timetable for resolution. It's like FC don't give a monkeys...and I'm being polite
No answer from the GD, or anyone else?
Just try to give a little bit of assurance...it's really not that hard
Aye, what you said.
FC, I find your lack of communication disturbing.
I think FC has put all staff on Conehead Exiles. I looked at the Conan Exiles page on Steam and they're doing the stressful launch thing, ( a stress-out the staff test, not a stress test) I wont be getting it-- tried Ark. Solo server was interesting. Multiplayer full loot is not. Searching for a server that is a happy medium tween the 2 takes too much time. yeah, easy to find servers that claim that but you log on and no one is home. I expect the same will be true of CE.
FC is making a bet that Exiles will be more profitable then AO
Fc halfequipped my character today and i received a bonus 5 days for the hassle. They still did not equip my ncus or my cc which was in GMI.
Valhall Guardians
Thapetowner 220 Meta-Physicist
Hyimoliver 220 Soldier
Ihatemyself 200 Shade
Hardcore 200 Adventurer
Ilovetokill 170 Agent
Ilovetodrain 150 Trader
Oxiahe 150 Doctor
Critterz 150 Martial-Artist
Awaaa 74 Soldier
Eilistrae 220/30/70 MA equip pic //Araushne 216/30 NT equip pic // Nhaundar 220/30 pic equip // Ahlysaaria 220/30 equip
Dritst 220/30 Agent equip pic // Vhaeraun 218/30 fixer // Dylinrae 217/30 trader // Seldszar 220/29 adv
Nhaundar 216/16 Trox enf <3 equip
* http://forums.anarchy-online.com/sho...d.php?t=544974 <3 ty, how some ppl can be
* S*rovi1: cant log in game funcom not responding Mrdex: they're translating Mrdex: give em some time.
* Phante: whining is directly proportional with incompetence imo the more you sux the more youll cry and ask for stupid stuff.
* [Provision]: 500m if you can even dent me You gained 103 PVP Solo Score.
Valhall Guardians
Thapetowner 220 Meta-Physicist
Hyimoliver 220 Soldier
Ihatemyself 200 Shade
Hardcore 200 Adventurer
Ilovetokill 170 Agent
Ilovetodrain 150 Trader
Oxiahe 150 Doctor
Critterz 150 Martial-Artist
Awaaa 74 Soldier
Anything new about this? Still missing my items from gmi, no e-mail answer no official post or anything else?
We're still working through characters affected by the issue on a case-by-case basis. As far as the underlying issue with the GMI itself, that's something we're continuing to look into. Thank you!
Andy 'Odonoptera' Benditt
Community Manager
Twitter: @Odonoptera
Anarchy Online Website | Social Guidelines | Customer Service
Caloss2 LVL 220 melee VANGUARD (semi retired).....Llewlyn 220/30/70 meepmeep.....Boooocal 220../30/70 Soldier.......Knack 220/30/70 Keeper.....Hiesenberg 215/xx/xx NT NERFED Neytiri1 220/30/70 Shade Knacker220/30/70Meat shield
https://www.youtube.com/user/caloss2 for guides/walkthroughs/letsplays and all your other AO needsOriginally Posted by Mastablasta
I imagine they'll offer an additional free month once it's fixed.
Above I was joking that the Conan Exiles launch was a 'Stress Out the Staff Test". It's truer then I thought, geeze:
TL:dR version, FC had to drop the server company for the 200 "Official Servers" because said company couldn't deliver what they promised. They're in the process of finding a new server vendor who can handle the load.
Last edited by Literary; Feb 7th, 2017 at 01:15:29. Reason: typos
Originally Posted by Odonoptera View Post
We're still working through characters affected by the issue on a case-by-case basis. As far as the underlying issue with the GMI itself, that's something we're continuing to look into. Thank you!
It would help a lot if you would post something Odonoptera ... about what will be done to mitigate the closed GMI for paid players that rely on GRACE to keep their subscriptions open?
Tomorrow's update should resolve issues with the GMI and will re-enable them.
Andy 'Odonoptera' Benditt
Community Manager
Twitter: @Odonoptera
Anarchy Online Website | Social Guidelines | Customer Service
Caloss2 LVL 220 melee VANGUARD (semi retired).....Llewlyn 220/30/70 meepmeep.....Boooocal 220../30/70 Soldier.......Knack 220/30/70 Keeper.....Hiesenberg 215/xx/xx NT NERFED Neytiri1 220/30/70 Shade Knacker220/30/70Meat shield
https://www.youtube.com/user/caloss2 for guides/walkthroughs/letsplays and all your other AO needsOriginally Posted by Mastablasta
Thanks for the reasonably quick fix. Did Conan threaten the poor programmers?
When I make mistakes, I use a lot of salt,
cause salt makes m'steaks taste great!
Beornin - The original Shotgun Adv
Obsessive - First 220 Trox Engi
Euthanizer - Reanimated NT
Eilistrae 220/30/70 MA equip pic //Araushne 216/30 NT equip pic // Nhaundar 220/30 pic equip // Ahlysaaria 220/30 equip
Dritst 220/30 Agent equip pic // Vhaeraun 218/30 fixer // Dylinrae 217/30 trader // Seldszar 220/29 adv
Nhaundar 216/16 Trox enf <3 equip
* http://forums.anarchy-online.com/sho...d.php?t=544974 <3 ty, how some ppl can be
* S*rovi1: cant log in game funcom not responding Mrdex: they're translating Mrdex: give em some time.
* Phante: whining is directly proportional with incompetence imo the more you sux the more youll cry and ask for stupid stuff.
* [Provision]: 500m if you can even dent me You gained 103 PVP Solo Score.