I bet the whole funcom stab is playing Legion atm..
Anarchy Online Concept Art Gallery
Lazy "Timba" Sabretooth - 220/30/80 - Fire kitty
Very "Timbats" Much - 220/22/xx - Tradeskiller for hire!
Timbamf - xx/xx/xx - upcoming tanky
Spray "Airwick" Alloveryou - 60/6/14
Well, Merry Christmas Michi. Thanks for the well wishes, communication and lumps of coal you've dropped into our stockings.
Here's hoping that you and FC are proud of the customer service you've provided the AO community this year.
/insert very wet raspberry here
***My attention may be easy to get, but can you hold it?***
to be more fair to Michi i dont think he gets to deside to much, and if i were in his shoes to deside if i wanted to work on a old game or a new game.. the choice for me would be easy.
but i think funcom could spent some houers to try give us a rebalance part 2 to draw back population+xmas event, and then also try to throw out some hotfix obviously..
many people paying for these game and nothing happened (no christmas Event, current Exploid, economy with graces, much more)... I can not understand the business philosophy and support philosophy of funcom... now we losing more and more people about this...
A Game without any new updates, is a dead game...
http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/FUNCOM:NO - Funcom: Probability-Of-Bankruptcy 54% - https://www.vg247.com/2015/08/11/age...m-up-for-sale/
No more developing MMO's - http://cdn.funcom.com/investor/2016/...2016_Plans.pdf
i am sure they can get people back when they make some hotfixes, throw some patches out with stuff and a free week or two. but atm this game is going down a big downhill for sure untill they take action.
what i find weird is why funcom dont try put some apprentices or coders who would work on anarchy online for free, i am sure many many people would offerd themself to work free just to have a chanse to show what they can and to be climbing up as a coder in the future.
it is not easy to get a job anymore, and i am pretty sure there is a bunch of coders who would love to learn and work for free on anarchy online for a possible bright future.
Last edited by Le-Quack; Dec 18th, 2016 at 18:18:04.
The obvious answer is that FC has no intention of investing any more time/money on AO, and is perfectly willing to allow it run in maintenance mode until it is no longer profitable, at which point, they'll close it down.
my acc expired in late october and I haven't been back to game since. I want to renew, but am holding off until a new dev letter comes through and reveals details of - steam/christmas event. Christmas is only a few days away and there has been no communication for some time. A worrying trend if you ask me. Will this be the first year of AO w/o christmas? Does this signal the end of the game?
I and many others, await renewal based on the answers to these questions. Exploits have existed in game for both items/creds/etc. The game could bounce back from economic disaster with some time and potential influence by GMs/Funcom to restore balance. But there is no coming back for a game if the life support has been pulled.
So, tell us Michi. What is going on?
I was going to resub after 2-3 years away from AO, but after checking this forum as well as loging in some froob I really doubt I would do it....
I ll do some more testing with froobs as well try to find ingame some old friends before I decide to give even 1 cent to this "company" ...
Are the monthly updates missing? Or I need better glasses?
Been here, done this...
Time to move on...
Think monthly turned into soon(tm).
When I make mistakes, I use a lot of salt,
cause salt makes m'steaks taste great!
Beornin - The original Shotgun Adv
Obsessive - First 220 Trox Engi
Euthanizer - Reanimated NT
I think it's more like quarterly dev letter these days than monthly. Tbh the lack of any news and complete silence about the recent exploits and other problems combined with threads about huge issues disappearing from the forums or getting locked is really starting to piss me off. Or maybe it's just me...
Aeliniyah Opifex Doc | Venkula Solitus Doc | Rohtoiivari Trox Doc | Yutheron Solitus Trader Ianamura NM Crat
Technigyro Trox Enfo | Gizmoplex Trox Keeper | Icarya Opi MA | Vinetto Opifex Shade | Retku Solitus Engineer
Geraplex Trox Sold | Tuulispaa Opifex Fixer | Wertion Solitus MP | Kemoplex Trox MA
And a fleet of other alts...
Last edited by Aeliniyah; Feb 10th, 2017 at 16:44:45.
Aeliniyah Opifex Doc | Venkula Solitus Doc | Rohtoiivari Trox Doc | Yutheron Solitus Trader Ianamura NM Crat
Technigyro Trox Enfo | Gizmoplex Trox Keeper | Icarya Opi MA | Vinetto Opifex Shade | Retku Solitus Engineer
Geraplex Trox Sold | Tuulispaa Opifex Fixer | Wertion Solitus MP | Kemoplex Trox MA
And a fleet of other alts...
I suspect that actual dev time spent here will be at minimum for a while:
From the Steam Community Update:
"Conan Exiles has sold over 320,000 units in the first week, which is incredibly exciting to all of us here at Funcom. It is both humbling and gratifying to see so many people being interested in playing the game and sharing their experiences."
So no Steam?
Ekarona 220/30 Female Solitus Engineer, long term member of Northern Star and proper "poor" gimp.
Ekaslave 220/low Female Solitus Trader, FLAT(TM) pricing TS, almost all can do!
Ekaros almost there/almost there too Male Solitus Martial-Artist.
Ekadv gimp/gimp Female Opifex Adventurer