At this point I only hope for a "Happy 17th anniversary" post![]()
At this point I only hope for a "Happy 17th anniversary" post![]()
Operator : "Are we safe from russian hackers ?"
Support : "Da"
Behoernchen - Adventurer - SEMPER FIDELIS
Originally Posted by Q1 2017 Report
I'll believe it when I see it, but uhh... yay I guess.
Filler text. It's just filler text to appease 1 or 2 investors that might dimly remember the fact FC had other games prior to CE and SWL. At this rate I'll be amazed if anyone from FC remembers to flick the Anniversary Event Spawn switch.
Ophiuchus : 220/30/80 HAHA etc
Nahuatl :: 220/30/80 Melee 4lyfe
Khurkh :: 220/30/80 healtankpew
Msanthropic : 210/26/60 nanostab
Spidershiva :: 165/23/42 kite? eh?
Silentmotion : 150/20/42 tankthink
The Union
One profession to RoO them all, one profession to proc stun them, one profession to calm them all and in the darkness Exp perk them!
Crataiken 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution - 3rd AI 30 'Crat on RK 1Setup
Calms 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution
Medicaiken 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution Setup
Newen 220/30/70 President - The Galactic Milieu
Mettagirl 220/20/** General - Primal Evolution
Krataiken 150/18/40 General - Primal Evolution Setup
Considering Michi's last visit to the forums at all was april the 16th, I can't imagine fc putting any resources at all at this point.
Valhall Guardians
Thapetowner 220 Meta-Physicist
Hyimoliver 220 Soldier
Ihatemyself 200 Shade
Hardcore 200 Adventurer
Ilovetokill 170 Agent
Ilovetodrain 150 Trader
Oxiahe 150 Doctor
Critterz 150 Martial-Artist
Awaaa 74 Soldier
GM yesterday told me it will be announced on the AO site soon, stay tuned he said!
game is done.
We are pleased to announce the focus of game development for the upcoming year :
Hope the hackers get bored, give up and go away because we are concerned that they might influence you in a negative way on your decision to keep sending us money for no reason whatsoever.
Here's to a better 2018 and we hope to see you ALL in 2018 because after all we need ALL the free money we can get.
Gabrielpeter, Organlegger, Ypexwde, Findnkeeper, Sp.icecaravan cause apparently gets censored oO, Strpb, Xasomerhs, Wtbhoardcure, Hasomeris, Panzerwerfer, Wurfrahmen40, Stabilizer, Stukazufuss, Hohoikilledu, Aimedslaps and some 40 more paid and froobs. Probably the last AO player from Greece for quite a while now...