I have every garden and sanct key and will buy nanos for you for the price of the nano+5m for garden/sanct, price of the nano+10% for greedy shade. Anything above 200m requires payment upfront. It'd take way too long to type everything out, so here's the cost of greedy shade nanos with the 10% rolled in:
Greedy Shade
Composite Heavy Artillery - 107.8m
Fists of the Winter Flame - 107.8m
Grand Theft Humidity - 107.8m
Minor Nanobot Defense - 53.9m
My Enemy's Enemy is my Friend - 53.9m
Nanobot Defense - 161.7m
Nanobot Shelter - 53.9m
Notum Overflow Injector - 53.9m
Poisoned Wounds - 53.9m
Simple Viral Agent - 53.9m
Superior Notum Overflow Injector - 161.7m
Improved Augmentation Cloud - 107.8m
Bot Reproduction - 269.5m
Continuous Reconstruction - 539m
Improved Cut Red Tape - 539m
Improved Hasty Augmentation Cloud - 53.9m
Hearty Constitution - 269.5m
Improved Instinctive Control - 539m
Improved Nano Repulsor - 269.5m
Improved Neural Interfaced Augmentation Cloud - 269.5m
Improved Semi-Sentient Augmentation Cloud - 539m
Serene Sky - 539m
Smoke Bomb - 539m
Soothing Breeze - 53.9m
Soothing Calm - 539m
Tranquility of the Vale - 269.5m