Single heals have 3s recharge and 4s cooldown. This boosts BoL spam hp/s from 600 to 735 and rk heal spam hp/s from 192 (moonbeam) to 236 (one with nature). The two lowest single heals (quick heal, rough stitching) have 1s recharge. Changes: lower level heals had their recharge and line cooldowns adjusted to better match their old values. I won't bother itemizing all of them here.
The two lowest heals still have 4s cooldown—oversight?
Team heals have 4s [now 3s in] recharge and 8s cooldown, except the lowest one which has 1s recharge.
A smoother transition from RK to SL heals would still be nice, but spending less time in nano recharge is a very welcome change and the cooldown values seem pretty okay.
These went from 15/10/5 minute cooldowns to 10/5/2 minutes.
Though these obviously have more utility than cleanly pulling a single mob from a distance, that was always one of their primary uses—something anybody with ql1 aggression enhancer can do every 5s from any visible range.
Working as advertised. Simple fix for an annoying issue, I guess.
Form of Cerberus has 1777 bm/mm/si reqs, down from 1843 bm/mm, 1834 si.
Hide of Cerberus has 960 pm/si reqs, down from 1444 pm/si.
Should be welcome news to froob advs and agents. The nanocrystals were also moved from the ofab/le vendor to ICC/Omni/Clan Adventurer nano vendors.
Further changes: all auras now have 5s cast time, down from 10s
Many adv buffs included here, presumably more to come.
I have this irrational and unsubstantiated fear that any affected buffs will be considered 'done' and never looked at again and my hatred of the level locks on the weapon buffs grows stronger with each passing day.
This really deserves its own thread in a more general forum. I can't fathom what perceived issue this is attempting to address, and it will only make using these perks irritating.