No Healer can be as good as a Doc, but MA's heal is pretty good! My MA can heal enough for Mitaar and can even solo mitaar with Zazen heals.
HoTs do not benefit from Healing Efficiency.
Matrix of Ka Heals for (Healing 1512-2244(3205-4757)) while the HoT heals for (Healing 2338-2805(4956-5946), 3 hits, 2.5s delay)
Team Matrix of Ka heals for (Healing 1844-2213(3909-4691)) while the Hot heals for (Healing 922-1106(1954-2344), 3 hits, 2.5s delay.)
Best case would be Matrix of Ka heal 4,7k + 2,8k HoT tick. So 1 Heal = 7,5k with 8 seconds recharge.
2 Seconds later Team Matrix of Ka heal 4,6k + 1,1k HoT tick. = 5,7k Heal. Has a 10 seconds recharge.
Currently my Doc can heal Bodily Invigoration (Healing 7215-8385(13708-15931) up to 16k !! 3 seconds recharge.
Also Doc's have some pretty good raid healing Perks like Battlegroup Heals, those are amazing.
Rajib - 220 Shotgun Doctor | Businessraj - 220 Shotgun Trader | Nanquan 210+ MA | Blasi - 209 ME Keeper | Rajliana - 200 bow MA ++++++
WTB Red and blue teams in BS. Thanks Michi!
Zazen MA is the 2nd best healer in the game by far. I've healed an enforcer through DB1/2, Mitaar, Vort, DB3 fire room (when doc went down), PoH 2nd boss (again when doc went down).
We've speculated that as long as you had a crat to handle init debuffing, I could probably heal a good enforcer through most anything. It's not optimal, a doc will always be better at healing, but it's a great tool to have in the toolbox.
I healed beast with my MA.
I recall that we had a 6 man team and somehow we managed to avoid a lot of the nukes that made it possible. I think we had something like:
MA healing
Keeper for watch ward
enforcer tanking
trader - nanodrain/DPS/AR debuffs
shade - nanodrain/DPS/init debuffs
engi - reflects/DPS/-AAO
And it went way more smoothly than any of us thought it would. But basically the enforcer had a pretty good defensive build, the shade perma debuffed the crap out of beast, engi spammed void, and trader on top made the enforcer into a frigging evade machine. Then shade+trader suctioned the nano and we only got hit with one nuke early on and that was it. Adds dropped pretty quick and no worries.
Im wondering if a setup like this can be done
Using support waist/support lwrist/nd rwrist/rarm ME/infantry brain for ME. The scouts would allow for nr1 still casting top heals. I have seen docs/crats being able to equip remod. I remember there being something buggy with remod too, does the proc activate on both misses and hits? Also does the remod hit faster than 1-1 speed, but not as fast as in the description of the weapon? I simply cannot remember how exactly the gun worked. if the attack speed is buggy fast, dish heal procs would be insanely effective.This setup would be useless in pvm and solo pvp, but i could imagine encountering a player with this type of setup would be a pain in the ass in a team setting in bs.
Last edited by Occamsrazor; Feb 6th, 2018 at 23:06:51.
Grrrl 220/30/70 Martial artist
Grrrleng 220/30/70 Engineer
Last edited by Occamsrazor; Feb 7th, 2018 at 11:26:24.
Grrrl 220/30/70 Martial artist
Grrrleng 220/30/70 Engineer
Eilistrae 220/30/70 MA equip pic //Araushne 216/30 NT equip pic // Nhaundar 220/30 pic equip // Ahlysaaria 220/30 equip
Dritst 220/30 Agent equip pic // Vhaeraun 218/30 fixer // Dylinrae 217/30 trader // Seldszar 220/29 adv
Nhaundar 216/16 Trox enf <3 equip
* <3 ty, how some ppl can be
* S*rovi1: cant log in game funcom not responding Mrdex: they're translating Mrdex: give em some time.
* Phante: whining is directly proportional with incompetence imo the more you sux the more youll cry and ask for stupid stuff.
* [Provision]: 500m if you can even dent me You gained 103 PVP Solo Score.
Yeah, that extra hp +nd +ch+Rarm for extra nd would probably make you hard to bring down. The only reason i included scouts and that rarm imp is because i cannot remember exactly how remod works, if the ar on it is relevant at all. Along with that i pictured the nr loss from zazen, no nr1 and no uwos would make you a bit exposed to debuffs. The doctor has pretty decent nr and perks to remove debuffs like ubt. Where they can or atleast could cast ubt on themselves to remove malaise. I was only trying to solve that issue. Though a nt would make nr1 useless compared to the beast ch version. like any other setup in this game im sure it needs testing, however once you have remod equipped theres not much keeping you from testing different versions of it ip-wise. Strictly speaking this is all theoriesi have no idea how good or bad this would play out in a real bs or at towers
Last edited by Occamsrazor; Feb 7th, 2018 at 20:19:01.
Grrrl 220/30/70 Martial artist
Grrrleng 220/30/70 Engineer