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Thread: static mission rewards are lame

  1. #1

    Thumbs down static mission rewards are lame

    i recently completed (the first part at least ) of one of the new static missions. This took me the better part of 2 days playing time ....(~8 hours). the reward i recieved was <4k xp and <4k cr.......does this sound like a reasonable reward for something that takes so ling for a lvl 79 player . i don't......

    Are these missions multi-part and the rewards get better ...I least give me a leet doll or something as a reward.

    some people have been saying that this mission is bugged....well i did complete the mission. but imho it was not worth the time and now my friends are levels ahead of me.

    is this the way the mission was intended to be?

  2. #2

    Red face Throw us a bone

    Maybe if you'd be willing to share some details on what you did we'd be more willing to help you out. I have a feeling your post is directed at FunCom but if you post some information on the mission chances are players could probably provide some feedback faster than they will.


  3. #3
    eh? which one... I did the longest road one with TIM in like 3-4 hours with 5 other people from my guild (levels 62ish to 98ish i think) although we could have easily done it in multiple parts since there are a few different ways it can fork out (seemed almost like it was designed to be done in steps). Also did steps of madness with some guildmates and thought it was great, casualties were low (1-2 deaths total out of the entire party i think) and easily solved with beacon warp from an engineer.
    Last edited by Tetra; Jan 5th, 2002 at 03:52:43.

  4. #4
    i was refeering to a npc given static mission not a static dungeon ........

    i believe that funcom has decided to throw you a bone so i don't need to...although the mission i did not come from either of the npc's they mentioned.........

  5. #5
    Originally posted by donutgod
    i was refeering to a npc given static mission not a static dungeon ........
    Well you rae not very informative here. We have no way of really appreciate whate you are talking about.
    "Donner à des millions une connaissance de l'anglais, c'est les rendre esclaves". (Hind Swarâj, ch. 18)

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