I suspect that your unbuffed sense and/or psychic is less than 600 so it becomes over-equipped on zoning.
Did you try putting the ring on while already inside Pande?
I suspect that your unbuffed sense and/or psychic is less than 600 so it becomes over-equipped on zoning.
Did you try putting the ring on while already inside Pande?
Expansion Characters
Fataleet Shade 220/30/70 - Racket Trader on his way
Froob Characters
Broadie Fixer 200 - Amerigo Adventurer 200 - Banknote Trader 200 - Ghoti Agent 200 - Burningred MA 200 - Hemato Doctor 200 - Fonzzi NT 200
I'm nanomage so it's easy to put the ring on. but I notice that everytime I zone or log off and on at Pande, I've to un-equip and re-equip the hh@b to get it to work. so I guess it's annoying and perhaps when i'm closer to lv200 will it not "grey-out" when I zone or log off (any player shift). atm, annoying to un-equip and re-equip everytime I zone into Pande. Have the ring on "hotbar" to speed it up a little ^_=
"Don't think...feel, it's like a finger pointing towards the moon"
I had same problem with HHAB as Hokutonoken, I was trox so it was a problem. I petitioned about it and GM got it fixed forever. I suggest you do the same.
I have the same problem on 207 lvl toon.
The HHAB is always grey when i zoned in Pande.