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Thread: What happened to my Trader!? - A Guide to 18.7.x

  1. #21
    Late bump, Vinkera for President !

    Borrowing reflects -> makes borrowing NS legit, more than the manashield we obviously can't assume. Would be less than 100% max, maybe depending on level, and long/short enough to let us try to drain/debuff. Disables Nanobot defense for X time.

    PVM NR debuff -> makes pvp debuff legit, toned down for pvp AND must debuff NR to the Traders nano ONLY (so must buff nanos' AR Trader side ?)

    Then we're done. Totally takes us away from another evades/def, based on our basic toolset, lets us in the casters' line.

    Did I shout "Vinkera for President" ? ^^
    Last edited by appolonia; Jun 1st, 2015 at 00:39:07. Reason: damn typos !
    220/70/30 OpiFix - Useless PVM Ex RK Queen
    220/80/30 TroxDoc - Alpha Brain @soon !
    220/80/30 SoliEngi - TSing everything
    220/70/30 SoliTrader - MA >>>> Shottie
    220/80/30 Crat - Why the hell do other profs still exist ?

    And tons of alts !

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