So, the 18.7 is finally upon us & it's looking good so far!
Here's the summary for us 'Crats. Taken from Michizures patch thread
- The Bureaucrat red tape nano line no longer debuffs inits. The nano programs has been separated in to two lines. The Rubi-Ka red tape nano and the currently obtainable improved red tape nanos are now skill lock debuffs. The accidentally duplicated old red tape nano has been transformed in to a nano delta debuff and has gotten its own weird looking crystal. The Lost Eden version of these nano programs have been removed or added to the malaise line.
- The Cut red tape nano programs only improve add all def, skill lock modifier and critical decrease.
- Bureaucrat lawyer/secretary pets now have the same line cooldown as Meta-Physicist attack pets.
- Nano Pink Slip: Increased damage, additional damage if affected by Workplace Depression
- Nano Intensify Stress: -60 Nano/Heal delta, +10% chance to interrupt nanos, -30 AAD
- Nano Improved Red Tape: Doubles SkillLock and lowers Evade by 6% (Evade debuff currently hits the wrong target)
- Nano Corporate Strategy: Increased duration
- Reduced casting time of Anti-root nanos
- Improved Red Tape will lower the target's Evade by 6%
- Added Initiative debuffs: Wasteful Arm Movements, Wasteful Nanobot Control, Inefficient Arm Movements, and Inefficient
- Nanobot Control
- Blast Shield will grant more absorbs, as well as Root/Snare resistance
- Droid Damage Matrix lasts for 10 minutes
- Added "Droid Pressure Matrix," which can proc, inflicting a debuff on the target for an AAO/AAD debuff, based on the target's level
- Succumb and Confound with Rules use Psi-Mod as an attack check, with 2 and 4 minute cooldowns, respectively
- Dodge the Blame will last for a few seconds longer