{Agent}Make un-fp'd agents viable. Tripple effect of dots for example.
{Agent}Make un-fp'd agents viable. Tripple effect of dots for example.
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 22nd, 2014 at 17:17:28.
{Engineer} Make pets instacast, local cooldown like other pet profs
{Engineer} Lower recharge times to 1-2s on: AC buffs, Pet Short Term Damage Buffs, Intrusive Auras, Miniaturization, single target reflects (the RK ones), damage shields, Mechanized Reflect Shield
[Items] Add a further upgrade to Sloth of the Xan that adds burst
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 22nd, 2014 at 17:17:47.
General of Nocturnal Fear
Trypha 220/30/70 Engy | Trypothecary 220/30/69 Doc | Tryptophy 220/30/68 Crat | Trypocalypse 220/30/70 Sold | Tryharder 220/30/68 NT | Trypointy 220/x/x Shade | Peasantry 200/30/69 Keeper | Trycharm 150/20/42 Crat
{Engineer} Spec blocker nanos: add 1 spec blocker to all, 1 normal blocker. make 15s cast time, insta recharge, 2m cooldown
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 22nd, 2014 at 17:17:59.
[Perks] Spatial Displacement. Root/Snare resistance. Make available to all professions. It will be an option and a sacrifice (of other perk lines) to gain some root/snare resistance.
[Perks] Wakefulness (new perkline available to all). Same as Spatial Displacement, only resist all calm/stun nanos and perk effects.
[Perks] Speed Preservation (new perkline available to all). Same as Spatial Displacement, only resist all init debuff nanos and perk effects.
[Perks] Clean Slate (new perkline available to all). Same as Spatial Displacement, only resist all ransack and deprive nanos and effects.
[Perks] Perfect Vision (new perkline available to all). Same as Spatial Displacement, only resist all blinding effects, nanos and perks.
[Perks] Accellerated Metabolism (new perkline available to all). Same as Spatial Displacement, only resist all dots from nanos and perks.
[Perks] Unfaced (new perkline available to all). Same as Spatial Displacement, only resist all addalldef and evades debuffs.
[Perks] Nano Matrix (new perkline available to all). Same as Spatial Displacement, only resist all nano shutdown and nano debuff effects and perks.
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 22nd, 2014 at 17:19:42. Reason: Please make a thread for detailed suggestions like that, and if you like- post a link to it in this thread (but not this post
General of First Order
{Keeper} Make all Keeper auras go in different nanoline - so we can STACK reflect aura, watch ward, aad/aao line, enervate, dmg aura and even heal/nano auras should be possible to run both. Also reduce NCU cost of these - Keeper's already have problems with NCU. With our current endgame buffs we're at 600-700 NCU, so there is not much room for even outside buffs!
{Keeper} All Keeper evasion buffs should have Duck, dodge and evade at same number - currently our top evade buff gives 140 Evade close, and ONLY 40 for dogde & duck. Please make this 140/140/140. Keeper's lack A LOT in duck & dodge department, almost all ranged classes can perk us.
{Keeper} Keeper strength and stamina buffs should add Agility same amount as STR/STA. Our current top buff gives 80 STR/STA but only 30 AGI. Make it go 80/80/80, which would allow equiping alpha support brain for endgame atrox Keeper's. Added Agility would help lower TL Keeper's keep Combined Commando's out of OE - No other profession has these problems.
{Keeper} Keeper fury -line (Wrath) needs rework so that we actually could land this in PvP (I've never landed this in PvP) - Solution: Change Defense skills Evade close to 50 % (currently 100%). This way we could actually land this in PvP and deal more dmg + get a small heal from this special action - making us go from the very bottom of PvP chain to somewhat better.
{Keeper} Increase the "Stunned by Clarion Call" from 2s to atleast 5s. Keeper's got 0 stun, and we really should have some decent stuns as a melee class who has no capping specials. Without stuns its impossible for Keeper's to kill any healing class. Enforcer got one more stun in this patch, which I think Keeper's should've gotten. Currently we're running without capability to stun!
{Keeper} Rebirth (Resurrection Sickness Removal) nano skill requirements need to be lowered, so that Keeper can instantly cast this nano on him/herself when hit the reclaim - this way Rebirth nano would actually be useful for us Keepers, too! Just make the requirements at around 400-500 nano skills, this way endgame Keeper's can remove their resurrection sickness right after reclaim.
{Keeper} Make Heal & Nano auras tick every 10 sec instead of 20 sec, and double the heal amounts - making Keeper somewhat more better for teaming and helps in PvM/PvP.
{Keeper} Put the damage you removed from the Fast Attack Buff (Fervor -line) onto one of the other keeper self-only buffs, to the Keeper 2h edged buffs. 220 Keeper's do not want to lose their 22 add dmg points from best Fervor buff!
{Keeper} Keeper Dimach (special attack) recharge need to be toned down to something 3 or 5 minutes max. Nobody is going to IP Dimach for healing special which can be used once a hour, like now.
{Keeper} Keep Keeper Dimach as it is, but reduce the recharge to either 3 or 5 minutes would be great.
[Items/Pets] Flurry of Blows. Need to wear it to use - NO, keep it the way it is, or make it possible to equip it in social tab so it won't take space in inv OR atleast make it have some great stats so that one would equip it
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 22nd, 2014 at 17:21:26.
[NanoPrograms] Release Me Now. 10s of immunity is enough. 5 minutes of cooldown on a defense against nanos that can be spammed is a bit long. 2 minutes would be more reasonable.
[NanoPrograms] Release Other Now. Same as Release Me Now but without immunity and can be cast on others.
{Agent} Remove all the old root and snare reduction nanos (high attack times make them virtually useless). Give instead access to Release Me Now for Self, and Release Other Now for Targets.
{Bureaucrat} Remove all the old root and snare reduction nanos (high attack times make them virtually useless). Give instead access to Release Me Now for Self, and Release Other Now for Targets.
{Fixer} Remove all the old root and snare reduction nanos (high attack times make them virtually useless). Give instead access to Release Me Now for Self, and Release Other Now for Targets.
{Trader} Remove all the old root and snare reduction nanos (high attack times make them virtually useless). Give instead access to Release Me Now for Self, and Release Other Now for Targets.
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 22nd, 2014 at 17:22:05.
General of First Order
[Perks] Perk effects that mimic nanos must be in the same line as the nanos, so that resistances, immunities and removal, also work on them. A few examples: Convulsive tremor (init debuffs line), Unsealed Contagion (DOT line), Soften Up (snare line), Blinded by Delights (blind line).
[Perks] Perk effects with multiple debuff attacks, such as Tranquilizer which is both an init debuff and a snare, should trigger 2 sepparate effects, 1 for the snare (which can be placed in the snare line) and one for the init debuff (which can be placed in the init debuff line). That way resistance will work against the effect you have resistance against, but not the other.
General of First Order
{Meta-Physicist} Scale all MP pets HP up. Higher level needs far more than lower ones.
{Meta-Physicist} Give all 3 MP pet the same ammount of HP.
{Meta-Physicist} Make The Rihwen scales with MP nanoskills.
{Meta-Physicist} Make all Mezz pets scales with MP nanoskills.
{Meta-Physicist} Make pet window open by default on pet professions, or make it pop up when someone cast a pet.
{Meta-Physicist} Remove NSD immunity from all the monsters and turn all current monster procs into nanos with suitable nanoskills requirements.
{Meta-Physicist} Introduce creation weapons on lower level. Implement those bow creations as well.
{Meta-Physicist} Give MPs full access to Ranger and Blunt Mastery perklines.
{Meta-Physicist} Remove the 2 NSD removers from Nano Doctorage perkline.
{Meta-Physicist} Gives MP access to Careful in Battle or give a new defensive perkl
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 22nd, 2014 at 17:23:31.
Lainbr - 220/30/70 Meta-Physicist Nanomage - E / Spirals - 220/30/70 Enforcer Solitus - E / Kokusho - 201/22/55 Fixer Nanomage - Equip Soon ;o
Traderbr - 180/0/0 Trader Nanomage - / Kaoru - 60/0/0 Meta-Physicist Nanomage - totw semitwink
Proud veteran of Spartans
To devs: You failed redesigning MPs as NTs with pets. I want my debuffer back.
Dreamer: Basically - I wish THIS much effort was put in to ALL profs rebalance docs.
Kintaii: Genele is more hardcore than you, your guildmates, and anyone else you've ever played with
Anarrina: Trust me, I'm not that scary in real life.
[Interface] can't see map in the alien ship in the starter area, works just fine on live.
Don't you just hate this kind of ppl
{Shade} Suggested change to smokebomb: Make repressor shade/agent and using it on a playertarget cancel combat instead.
{Agent} Remove all ql's of repressors and reuse the signet-ring effect on the remaining 'special' item.
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 28th, 2014 at 15:07:37.
[Interface] Some way to visually distinguish basic/adv/superior besides targeting all of them would help.
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 28th, 2014 at 15:08:23.
General of Nocturnal Fear
Trypha 220/30/70 Engy | Trypothecary 220/30/69 Doc | Tryptophy 220/30/68 Crat | Trypocalypse 220/30/70 Sold | Tryharder 220/30/68 NT | Trypointy 220/x/x Shade | Peasantry 200/30/69 Keeper | Trycharm 150/20/42 Crat
{Agent} AAD from escape-nano (leave it alone) could be it's own buff that require FP fixer, crat or MA to execute.
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 28th, 2014 at 15:08:37.
[Interface] Add the new Control+Right Click inventory ability to be used as well for quickly deleting loot from loot windows. With NO confirmation window.
[Items/Pets] Alienating old players with updated* textures on armors that quite frankly don't need it when these textures could be better used elsewhere.
[PvE] Use updated* textures to create new armors to drop in the various dungeons scattered around Rubi-ka so new players can actually feel some progression instead of being force-fed one set of armor from 0 to 200. Same thing goes for -000 weapon types. Good intent, bad idea as most people don't like being stuck with one "different quality level" same weapon from 0 to 200.
*Updated in this case is more like removing form and function from a design and replacing it with worse looking, same resolution textures that simply don't stand up to industry standards.
[Martial Artist] skill required to cast Matrix of Ka (our top heal) went from 1370 BM and SI, to 1871. This is to much of a jump and would be extremely difficult for any MA to cast.
1570 would be a more realistic figure.
{Meta-Physicist} - Give nanofocus ability to Asp of Titaniush
~Anyone can level, but only the wise gain experience~
*Bronto Burger, serving 10,000 high level noobs daily*
My Story
Don't feed the Mensa Tralalalala
Everyday I'm Shuffling.
[PvE] Lower Arete Dynaboss respawn timers to 3 minutes to be in line with ICC Island/Backyard Dynas. Current timers too long to suitably support intended populations for Arete.
[PvE] Allow new players access to all Arete missions regardless of expansion status. Non-paid players currently cannot get composite weapon/special nanos or NCUs due to LE/AI requirements. Allow non-paid players normal access to Arete AI ship mission to see AI goodness, think teaser demo.
[PvE] Add profession-specific starter quests for all professions in Arete.
[PvE] Add standard RK solo and team mission terminals to Arete, locked to Level < 15, a la old RK Backyards.
[PvE] Add quest pickup to lost credit card NPC on Arete stating the loss of credit card and possibility it fell into the sewers.
[PvE] Prevent ICC Guards in Arete from attacking Guard Dog from lockpick quest, or nerf Guard Dog heal delta and evades to make killable and give instant respawn. Dog and guards regularly engage in battles spanning multiple hours.
[Items/Pets] Increase credit requirement on Newcomer Armor pieces. Make leveled requirement. If armor is intended for leveling, this reduces efficacy of many other armor types and removes associated credit sinks.
[Crafting] Add Kyr-Ozch Atomic Restructuring Tool to Arete to enable construction of AI armors, as all other components are available. If not, remove expensive AI armor components (Nano-solvent, DNA, etc) from Arete tradeskill shop as they serve no purpose.
[Crafting] Add more tradeskill tools such as personal furnaces, jensen ore extractors, wire drawing machines, ring components, etc. to tradeskill shop on Arete.
[Skills] Remove deflect causing Full Auto attacks to end.
{Engineer} New pet nanos are required in engineer nano starter pack. Engineers currently only have access to the basic level 1 pet on Arete, crippling the profession in the early game.
{Doctor} Doctors only have access to basic heal on Arete. Add additional heals to starter pack. See above.
Slowly, one by one, the penguins rob me of my sanity
Anualken Gimped old engineer.
Omni-Tek Protects.
Me, as drawn my MrFli.
Old Engineers never die... they only fade away.
{Bureaucrat} Change Workplace Depression proc for something more useful. NR mechanic is so broken that -250 won't help anything.
Last edited by Tomium; Aug 28th, 2014 at 16:50:58.
AO PvP: "Scissors are over powered. Rock is fine." - Paper
[PvE] Enable froob player to access LE/AI missions in Arete and add a chat / notification text telling them that they would earn extra rewards (AXP, Research) if they buy the expansions and subscribe when doing such content.
~ HS ~
[ Seppuku ]
Member of the Tremor family: Misat0 :: AsukaLangley :: AyanamiRei :: Dextral :: Sinistral :: Pellaquare :: Salesman1337 :: Daemoness
Retired: Misato Katsuragi-Messamore
[ The Foolish Testers ]
R.I.P.: Misat0 Katsuragi :: Darkrei
{Bureaucrat} workplace depression to minus inits still but only by
250 (instead of current -nr) which is still a hefty nerf.
{bureaucrat} -nano delta debuff (intensify stress?) has a req of 2k nanoskills to cast
This seems rather high for -60nano delta. Lower reqs for lower toons to
Incorporate into toolset or make the debuff something along the lines of -200
{engineer} instant cast pets. On cooldown please. Same with all buffing
Pet nano's
SilentSlash 220 Solitus Shade
SilentSlashy 220 Atrox Shade
Rarara 220 Solitus Crat
Kinkypron 220 Solitus cyb0rEngi
Nerfuuu 220 Atrox TS-Trader
also FT. taxslash 200 crat / darkblu 150 fixer / freetrial 101 - fgrid biattch
I'm Back... again ^_^!