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Thread: There's a Crater in Omni-Ent

  1. #1

    There's a Crater in Omni-Ent

    Just thought I'd tell you all... because as far as I can tell, either no one has noticed the smoldering ruins of a massive apartment complex, or no one cares.

    "Ohh yeah, a building got levelled. Whatever."

    Snarf: Level 165 Atrox NT

    "At one time you were maybe a little useful Snarf. Now you're just being annoying." -- Hawkman

    "Well one guy said Atrox was the worst breed for the NT. The other guy said......'You tell that to Snarf....he'll kick your arse!' You are a NT Rockstar!" -- Hemicuda

    "Snarf, Snerf, Nerf. It's YOU that brought nerf to NT's you you!" -- Rhayden

    "Snarf cuts to the core of the problem like a chainsaw to a bunny rabbit." -- Deaddreamer

  2. #2
    I'm clan. But I did notice it when I logged on with a previous omni char. I wonder what happened (reactivated 2 days ago)

  3. #3
    We used to care.... but then Funcom never had an event involving it.... so the smoldering ruins are about the equivalent of the Santa Leets..... just a small graphical change.... I must of missed the part on the box that talked about a 6 month storyline... for some reason I thought it was going to be 4 years... but ever since last patch, it's almost been like the Funcom Events team cancelled their accounts. I guess they got nerfed They must've all been agents.

    I'm still hoping the storyline starts up again soon.... nothing has happened in 15-20 days.... Or maybe it will just be an imaginery event.... every new patch we can log on to see which building is smoldering... and by the end of the 4 years we are all stuck in Mayhem zone at the only reclaim terminal that hasn't been blown up!

  4. #4

    talking about events and stuff.

    5 min ago i heard there was an event ongoing in newland on RK2

    great! finally some fun!

    into the grid, out of the grid, run towards city limits and zone in.

    guess what?

    the load is so huge my client crashes and now I can't log in

    look like they starved us in rk2 for too long. when something finally happens it crashes on us. no wonder though, everyone and their grandma logged in their main, ( that's because everyone on RK2 has 1 main and about 5 twinks.) and gridded to Newland.

    -= me looking at the login screen and cursing at the error message=-

  5. #5
    Yeah, we all have short attention spans.

    We are children.

    We can't let an unimportant building being blown up and then ignored by all the "Administration" be the focus for a month after it occurs.

    Damn us and our attention span that only allows us to dwell on unimportant stuff for about two weeks.

    It's not Funcom's fault it's ours.

  6. #6
    Apparently, I've been in the "haven't noticed" crowd; I wander all over Entertainment, and have yet to see any huge crater? Are there coordinates to this or something? Is it just really out of the way? Maybe OT's just doing a decent job at keeping things under wraps? ;p

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