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Thread: Rename Backpacks: an Essay

  1. #1

    Rename Backpacks: an Essay

    Existing Problem:
    I don't know about anyone else in the game, but i myself perfer to load up on loot during my travels, and rarely take the time to sell either to npc or player, anything that i've collected throughout the past days' journeys. I soon find myself with a bank chock full of large backpacks.

    This generally takes 4-5 hours to sort/sell. Time which i could spend much more sensibly by collecting more loot/xp/ga *bla-ha-ha, oh, god, i kill me* and, of course, more information on how to make myself a much more productive rebel struggling against the system, living on Rub-Ka.

    Proposed Solution:
    Implement in game ASAP. code allowing for the renaming of our packs. I, personally, would prefer next patch for this to occur, and do believe this could be possible. Why?

    It's similarity to current situation. -
    Currently, it is possible to rename pets. Pets can be created by player/characters. Pets can be renamed by the same. Pets die, the name is replaced or continues to the next bot, aide/assistant, pet. With this, it is shown that an item can be brought into existence by a player, renamed by the player, and commanded.

    Why, therefore could we not rename backpacks? Backpacks can be purchased, and used by the player. Renamed by the player (once this becomes a part of the patch), it becomes personalized much in the same way as a pet. If we delete/rename the pack, the name goes away, or continues to another pack.

    If it works in one instance, could it not work in another? I truly feel this change could significantly impact the playability of this game. I believe it would free up more time for us to enjoy our time here rather than perform a very menial task. It does so by allowing sortment on the fly. Granted, the backpacks currently in shop do allow a great deal of categorization, but let's face it, they don't allow me to identify the difference between storage for gear i could either sell to shops or the various professions, or save for an alt.

    Proposed Functionality:
    As new packs have been introduced and this shop now has more variety, simply introduce this pack to the selection.

    My guess would be that they sell better than any item currently in that shop.

    *At least i need them.

    *Anyone else feel this way?

    *Anyone else bother to read all the way to here?

    *Push it up if you did.

    *Again if you agree.

    *Keep it up till we get it (or Cz decides to delete it because it's gone too far and we just ain't gonna have our demands met.)

    Anyhoo..... i seriously need to edit my sig sometime......

  2. #2
    I agree.

    FC did make a step in the right direction by putting more variation into the bags now. But even with the symbols on them, we still need to look in them to find out what type of the selected item that is in it. QL and such.

    I hold a lot of stuff for the guild. I have 23 bags of weapons for example. All the bags look the same, and they are in the location in the bank where I put them. But... if for some reason I am forced to reinstall AO, the bank gets all jumbled. bags move about and it woudl take me a long time to put them in the right order again. The option to name the bags, either by names or just a 2 digit number would be very useful
    General Thoram of the Twin Sun Syndicate

  3. #3
    Its not quite as easy as it sounds. Mobs (pets) are completely different objects than items (I mean objects in the Object-Oriented Programming sense).

    As the system works now (or as I gather) the server sends your client a unique ID and QL and the item data is gathered from the database on your computer. The problem here is that the server only stores an item ID and QL. For that reason, to allow item name changes would require not only a change in the structure of the item object, but a ton more data on servers... an entire string attached to every renamed item in fact. On that note, it would be possible to allow a client side name change, but you would have to rename your bags every time you zoned or logged.

    Its a rather nice idea, and I understand your reasoning, but from a programming standpoint it is far too difficult. I would recommend buying special backpacks and giving the icons "meaning." From what I've seen there are no restrictions on what you can put in those bags (correct me if I'm wrong).
    Enri - Adventurer
    Paxton - Bureaucrat
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  4. #4
    A client side version of the names might work.

    As I understand it, the location of itens on your quickbar, inventory and bank is client sided. That would explain why the bank, quickbar is a mess or empty after a reinstallment of AO

    A while back, before the bags with symbols came out, I asked for those. As I am sure others did. Some said it wasn't possible for some reason. We now know it is possible, so I think the possabilty of naming bags is as well
    General Thoram of the Twin Sun Syndicate

  5. #5

    Too much dev time

    While I'd agree that I'd love to be able to name all the bags I have in my bank, as Enri said, It would simply take WAY too much developer time for such a little improvement. I would much rather have the dev team/coders working on content,Shadowlands, real bug fixes, etc. The problem with bags can be resolved by simply being organized, the bags in the bank dont jumble around or move so all you really need to do is make a note and write (yes I know the pencil is so 20th century!) down what slot holds what bag and what's in there. Pretty simple fix .

    So, it's sorta social, Demented and SAD, but social.
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  6. #6
    I know the bags in the inventory jumps to other locations after a reinstall. I have been forced to do this several times, and I finally got fed up with it, so I replaced all my non descript bags for those with symbols on them. The problem still exists but it is easier now, to get the bag in the right slot again.
    General Thoram of the Twin Sun Syndicate

  7. #7
    the idea is good.. heck.. i wondered about the same thing few days ago. but yes, like others have said, its not an easy thing to program in.

    so i've started using the other backpacks with the little icons on em.. putting nanos in the nano one... etc. but i know if i collect too much of one kind, i'd have to get a 2nd, etc. so i wonder how difficult it would be for them to layer a number ontop of backpacks? it would just see how many of [X] type you have and overlay a number on em.. such as when they were bought.. so first pack i bought would have "1" on it.. second one with "2", etc. this would seem to be a bit easier to do, though i'm sure they would still have to create space in some sorta var listing for this.. but its a thought none the less.

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  8. #8


    I just posted this on another thread, but its relevant here too.

    What if when you shift-click on a backpack or other carryable container, the info window contains (after the usual details) a list of all the items in the backpack by name as clickable links to their info window?

    That can be generated on-the-fly from existing information, so no need to add extra fields to the DB or the like.

    Probably do-able whilst renaming probably isn't without significant work.
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