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Thread: Monthly (ahem) Development Update - April 30th, 2013

  1. #1

    Funcom employee Monthly (ahem) Development Update - April 30th, 2013

    Hi guys, it's been a couple of months since we spoke (apologies for missing last month's update) and plenty has been going on in Anarchy Online during this time.

    Firstly, we have merged to a single server, which has boosted activity and population significantly. This is a good for the health of the game going forward by ensuring that people are always around to group with (or fight against).

    A reminder to people who want maximum character slots - if you are a subscriber during the next patch you will receive 12 character slots, else the number will be 10 for future subscribers and 8 for froob accounts.

    Genele has been working incredibly hard on both the new player experience and revamps to the item shop - including removing the multiple tiers of old reward systems (such as phasefront points) and moving them into the store where they will be more easily accessible.

    In addition, the current update on Testlive contains changes to various mobs in Rubi-Ka which should improve the leveling experience overall. Hecklers are no longer the only the game in town.

    Work on the engine continues, and while the momentum was affected by the restructuring, everything is back in place so that work can continue. As Macrosun posted here the new engine has been tested against the live environment with some success.

    There is still plenty of work to be done. Once we have fully deployable internal versions of the engine, it will be in the hands of QA who will break it, break it and then break it some more. We will need to do art and animation cleanup work as well as fixing areas of the world that need touching up.

    The current roadmap has us working towards a cautious goal of having the engine in an open beta state, later in the year. How long it will remain in that state, will depend on the feedback we receive from all of the different hardware configurations out there, and how well it runs for them.

    I'll leave you today with a few more screenshots from the new engine.
    Creative Director

  2. #2

  3. #3

    I have to say, even though the Elysium Screeny is a blatant bullshot. It's damn pretty.

    The current roadmap has us working towards a cautious goal of having the engine in an open beta state, later in the year. How long it will remain in that state, will depend on the feedback we receive from all of the different hardware configurations out there, and how well it runs for them.

    Also Joel, I don't know what FunComs stance is on requirements in how you interface with the community, but we have become beyond adept at reading through the corporate schpeil. Just talk to us directly. We're not stupid.
    Last edited by Raggy; Apr 30th, 2013 at 15:20:56.
    Pricecuts - 220 Trader
    Feel free to contact me via PM or in-game.

    Raggy - 220 Bureaucrat || Raggeh - 220 Fixer | Back as 'Raggys' - Shade for the time being. | Nuclei - 217 Nanotechnician || Nanobiology - 214 Doctor

    Tip #743: As noted in Tip #244, tea bags have an infinite variety of uses. However, there's always one jerk who will want to give you crap over drinking tea. Particularly if in a new town, use this as an opportunity to assert yourself. Any drunken idiot can win a bar fight. It takes a real man to win a bar fight while enjoying a cup of Earl Grey.

  4. #4

    Love ely. SL in general seems to benefit from the engine.
    Last edited by Notcrattey; Apr 30th, 2013 at 15:11:27.
    Dagger 220/30/70 Shade // Attempted 219/24/?? Enforcer // Canidae 180/0/0 Adventurer // World 185/26/32 Meta-Physicist// Cramp 150/20/35 Engineer
    Ya wanna fix something - give RK mobs better xp, make RK matter again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mamman View Post
    Give shades love or we will stop buffing people!!

  5. #5
    not much updates....
    SOON™coming back...
    Neosh 220/20 Shade | Neokirurg 220/21 Doc crit setup | Neoc 216/18 Crat
    Shades are really invisible (from FC point of view)
    Patterns/symbs SALE ----- Refined imps SALE

  6. #6

    Update would be rather simple to write:
    1. So new slots will be around soon!
    2. Here is a few more screenshots, guys are working hard on engine.
    3. The new player experience is in the pipeline and comming out well.
    Hmm so how well did I do?
    Last edited by Ekarona; Apr 30th, 2013 at 15:16:17.
    Ekarona 220/30 Female Solitus Engineer, long term member of Northern Star and proper "poor" gimp.
    Ekaslave 220/low Female Solitus Trader, FLAT(TM) pricing TS, almost all can do!
    Ekaros almost there/almost there too Male Solitus Martial-Artist.
    Ekadv gimp/gimp Female Opifex Adventurer

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by ekarona View Post
    hmm so how well did i do?

    Edit: updates for AoC, TSW if anyone cares
    Last edited by Neosh1; Apr 30th, 2013 at 15:30:51.
    SOON™coming back...
    Neosh 220/20 Shade | Neokirurg 220/21 Doc crit setup | Neoc 216/18 Crat
    Shades are really invisible (from FC point of view)
    Patterns/symbs SALE ----- Refined imps SALE

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Ekarona View Post
    Hmm so how well did I do?
    Were we expecting something different? I mean the most news we seem to get comes out of testlive.
    Dagger 220/30/70 Shade // Attempted 219/24/?? Enforcer // Canidae 180/0/0 Adventurer // World 185/26/32 Meta-Physicist// Cramp 150/20/35 Engineer
    Ya wanna fix something - give RK mobs better xp, make RK matter again.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mamman View Post
    Give shades love or we will stop buffing people!!

  9. #9
    Ooo, shinies!
    One profession to RoO them all, one profession to proc stun them, one profession to calm them all and in the darkness Exp perk them!

    Crataiken 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution - 3rd AI 30 'Crat on RK 1 Setup
    Calms 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution
    Medicaiken 220/30/70 General - Primal Evolution Setup
    Newen 220/30/70 President - The Galactic Milieu
    Mettagirl 220/20/** General - Primal Evolution
    Krataiken 150/18/40 General - Primal Evolution Setup

  10. #10
    I'm really looking forward to the "new player experience". Will be fun to roll a new toon, just to check it out.

    On a sidenote; how come you never use any AA/AF on these screenshots ? They're pretty, but will be alot prettier with AA/AF.
    Jihnna 220/30/80 Shade

  11. #11
    btw what is this?
    I don't remember seeing that in other games. Will that be fixed with new engine?
    SOON™coming back...
    Neosh 220/20 Shade | Neokirurg 220/21 Doc crit setup | Neoc 216/18 Crat
    Shades are really invisible (from FC point of view)
    Patterns/symbs SALE ----- Refined imps SALE

  12. #12
    I have to say, this update was very depressing. It was even more "yada yada" than the updates we are used to getting for years now, which is saying a lot.

    At least there were some "string along"-screenshots to gawk at

    Oh well, at least I'm kinda enjoying the game as it is atm so I don't actually care so much any more. All thanks to the merge. Just hope the population stays as it is for a while on this last server.
    Veteran of Equilibrium

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Neosh1 View Post
    btw what is this?
    I don't remember seeing that in other games. Will that be fixed with new engine?

    Thats aliasing. You fix it by turning on aa.

  14. #14
    This is where I post my reply to the update. As soon as there is an update I'll post my reply.
    Ghosts of Rimor
    Gorastopr 220 MA Doctor :: No pew pew. Thwack thwack.
    Goratinkr TL5 OT Hurler Factotum Engineer :: Bringin' the thunder since 2008.
    Scrubup 100 Bow Doctor :: Will she ever get out of perk reset? Stay tuned!
    Ghosts of Atlantean
    Unda TL7 MA Engineer :: Crying for more crit.
    Measles LVL1 Pistol Doctor :: It takes 2 stims to self the Expertises.

    Quote Originally Posted by Le-Quack View Post
    i might be a troll

  15. #15
    Still on first page ^_=

    i knew i should have gotten "flowers"..nice esly pix screenie
    "Don't think...feel, it's like a finger pointing towards the moon"

  16. #16
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Byste's Avatar
    Thanks for going through the motions with us skeptics and critics. On the offchance you read these comments or if someone in the office is feeling kind enough to relay the message, please take less time touring around and invest it in the team! Even if that's just supplying the devs with endless coffee
    Clan for life

    Great orgs:
    -Defenders of Rubi Ka (PvM)
    -Devil Inside (PvP)

    Quote Originally Posted by jijie2 View Post
    have no make stone to for sword we make sword box for sword to put sword in for sword ?

  17. #17
    Thanks for the update, Joel. Even if it does feel like the same old song and dance, its better than complete silence. That said, I am curious about two things:

    1) You mentioned you were going to start playing AO to get a more hands-on feel for the game. Has that started yet? Do you have any impressions to share?

    2) It's been a long time since we've heard anything about the rebalance, and I noticed talk of it was absent from your MMORPG interview. Whats the status on this, is it something that has been put on hold, abandoned completely, or is it still being actively worked on? This is the most pressing thing for me as an active player, and I also question how wise it would be to draw in new players with a new experience and engine, only to completely change the gameplay of their professions (even if for the better) after x months or, maybe more realistically, years.

    Edit: 3) What ever happened to new heads or models? All the new engine screenshots we've seen have been using the current ones, but I know Means posted a screenshot years ago of a new nanomage head in the client. He also posted a screenshot of a new sky in the Dreamworld engine, where'd that disappear to? D:
    Last edited by AstralEcho; Apr 30th, 2013 at 16:14:21.

  18. #18

    Funcom employee

    Quote Originally Posted by Raggy View Post

    I have to say, even though the Elysium Screeny is a blatant bullshot. It's damn pretty.


    Also Joel, I don't know what FunComs stance is on requirements in how you interface with the community, but we have become beyond adept at reading through the corporate schpeil. Just talk to us directly. We're not stupid.
    Inherent delays in game development make me cautious with dates...

    And yeah, the update isn't exactly roaring with ZOMG NEW FEATURE X for exactly that reason! I'm trying to say what exactly is being worked on and how.

    Trying to give updates on every little change would be pretty ridiculous coming from my mouth considering I am still learning the AO lingo and I see that Genele and Macrosun and Michizure post a *lot* more than the devs on AoC and TSW forums.

  19. #19

    Funcom employee

    Quote Originally Posted by AstralEcho View Post
    Thanks for the update, Joel. Even if it does feel like the same old song and dance, its better than complete silence. That said, I am curious about two things:

    1) You mentioned you were going to start playing AO to get a more hands-on feel for the game. Has that started yet? Do you have any impressions to share?

    2) It's been a long time since we've heard anything about the rebalance, and I noticed talk of it was absent from your MMORPG interview. Whats the status on this, is it something that has been put on hold, abandoned completely, or is it still being actively worked on? This is the most pressing thing for me as an active player, and I also question how wise it would be to draw in new players with a new experience and engine, only to completely change the gameplay of their professions (even if for the better) after x months or, maybe more realistically, years.
    1) I was waiting for a deployable internal version so I could accompany my blog with new engine screenies. I might change that policy and just get to it. (Damned engine delays... okay I may be poking the bear making jokes like this).
    2) We will schedule this for after the NPE (and depending on the recommendations of the more experienced AO devs who will hopefully tell me exactly what needs to be done).

  20. #20
    Nice to see a new update, and screenies
    Thor Mastablasta Hammersmith - Level 220, AI 30, LE 70 Clan Atrox Nano Technician - Setup
    The Red Brotherhood

    I'm a Nano-Technician, don't ever expect me to fight unbuffed, alone or fair.

    Means: about f'ing time :P
    Satenia: heresy <3
    Znore: Mastablasta <3
    Kinkstaah: I have agro from many mobs ;(
    Madarab: we are aoe class, we are supose to use pistols
    Marxgorm: the NT toolset does not fit into my raiding tactics

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