Enjoy these pictures from our monthly MMOATP parties!
Enjoy these pictures from our monthly MMOATP parties!
Director Thymbel
ARK Exploits Team Lead
Bug Hunter Department
ARK - Forums Guidelines
Got info on a potential Exploit? Please go to http://help.funcom.com and select Exploit from the drop down box, petition ingame and classify as Exploit, or make a new thread in the Report an Exploit forum.
I could very well be dumb, but.. where are they?
Thymbel decided this months MMOATP should be full of Dancing Catgirls, and turned everyone present into catgirls, even the other Bug Hunters!
Was rather amusing because all the Bug Hunters were dancing in Super slow motion.
Director Belaroth
Bug Hunters Department
Advisors of Rubi-Ka
Forums Social Guidelines // Welcome to Testlive // MMOATP // Exploits FAQ // Report a Bug
Got info on a potential Exploit? Please go to help.funcom.com select 'Exploit' from the drop-down list and enter the details there.
Director Thymbel
ARK Exploits Team Lead
Bug Hunter Department
ARK - Forums Guidelines
Got info on a potential Exploit? Please go to http://help.funcom.com and select Exploit from the drop down box, petition ingame and classify as Exploit, or make a new thread in the Report an Exploit forum.
I better be in there or I'll be quite put out with you
Was busy working on some things on my shade when I wake up with a tail (I was like "what's up with that?!?!!?") and you shouting in vicinity "Everybody dance now". So I did what everybody else would have done: unplug headphones, plug biga$$ speakers and pump up the volume with Snap and KLF.
The least would be to at least show up in one of the pictures >.<
Some Pictures from The October MMOATP Halloween/Guy Fawkes Party!
We even burnt the Guy on a Bonfire, turned out I was the Guy...
Director Belaroth
Bug Hunters Department
Advisors of Rubi-Ka
Forums Social Guidelines // Welcome to Testlive // MMOATP // Exploits FAQ // Report a Bug
Got info on a potential Exploit? Please go to help.funcom.com select 'Exploit' from the drop-down list and enter the details there.