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Thread: Omni ( Using Tara as an example ) flame away.

  1. #1

    Omni ( Using Tara as an example ) flame away.

    I so hate slapping my own people into the face, but even I cant take more than this right now.
    Ever since i hit 100 I went to any Tara*event* I could.
    NO I am not a greedy lootwh*re, I love fights, the harder and longer the better. I LOVE raids and this is what this post is about.

    The last few weeks, I have seen the same thing happen 99 % of the time. Omni lost.
    I didnt really care TOO much about it, bad luck, things went bad, shi-t happens..
    BUT yesterday and even today shocked me.
    Tara was up after patch, Omni and Clan were there in about the same force little fights here, little ones there, at the end we were all beating on Tara.
    I see people die left and right of me and in the same moment I see THOSE people leave the tara chats never to return. I was pretty much the last woman standing from my side and was embarrassed to see my folks bail out - I walked up to Tara and started beating on her myself ( lol not that I had the slightest chance, but at least now I can say I TRIED )
    Clan wiped aswell and had to reform their forces. And now it gets nasty: Omni bailed out completely gridded and walked out. Leaving a almost dead Tara and rezzing Clan squad the field with NO more interfering. Oh and leaving this stunned and ashamed doc behind aswell.

    Today: Server going down for an hour, I rush over to Camelot only to see this : 12 Clan and 1 Omni camping out in Camelot. Clans look at me and start laughing - nice feeling really! I tell you.

    EDIT: I just logged in after serverdown, 3 Omni incl. me and rest clanners - already done with tara on the way to another target.
    Umm yay ?!

    Now I ask myself: Where is Omnis pride, where is Omnis power, are we too well fed to even move our lazy butts there and fight ?
    Are we to stuffed with treasures to see that we get weaker every minute ?

    And I ask myself, why the heck am I fighting for someone who isnt able to stand and fight for his/her/itself ?
    Why am I trying to be the best doc I can be, if there is no way to show it, other than mission after mission after mission ?

    Are we simply giving up ?
    I for one can say I am NOT giving up !

    *hopes there is someone else out there thinking the way she is*
    Last edited by Ocura; Oct 17th, 2002 at 14:00:10.
    Hope Ocura Heals
    Healmonkey for Dark Front - Rimor
    Give us /target <name> please !!!

    [Frankt]: I'll be any animal you want me to be.. just let me hump your leg !

  2. #2
    thats the spirit

    /me applauds
    Lordbedwyr 213 SOL RK2
    Ghandalf 201 DOC RK2
    Bittersweeet 182 NT RK2
    Fantazmia RK1

  3. #3
    While I'm clan, and your omni-scum, on the same server and likely to be debuffing each-other to hell and back first chance we get I have to agree with you. The only reason i would set foot into a tara fight is for the pvp involved, it's really the only time there is mass pvp it seems, and yet it's often over to fast since one side is far more dominant in numbers and will-power. Personnally hoping the booster will get numbers up for some good brawls, stomping the enemy side is fun but only to a point.
    A fight for tara the other night occured and some of my guildies attended, it apparently went on for a few hours and was quite a blast, one person in guild was cracking up that they killed the same crat 3 times.. relentless and stubborn crat, but that's the kind of thing I love seeing, people who don't quit and just keep stomping back for a good fight.
    Lothra - Nanomage MP
    Lothera - Solitus MA
    Nocri -Nanomage Adv and loving it
    Occu -Solitus Doctor
    In a former life..
    <Keipyur Mitzov-darkelf rez-bish>
    <Occulis-Barb Shaman>
    <Ocura-Erudite Shadowknight raar!>
    <Suva Roo-Gnome Wizard>

  4. #4
    That is exactly what i meant to say. Die and get back in. If we all stay out after kissing reclaim, we dont even have to show up at ALL.
    Hope Ocura Heals
    Healmonkey for Dark Front - Rimor
    Give us /target <name> please !!!

    [Frankt]: I'll be any animal you want me to be.. just let me hump your leg !

  5. #5
    I'm still trying to figure out why tara isnt at an outdoor spot with 25% gas.

    Then we can call it mass-pvp and not a lagfest.

  6. #6
    Pretty sure lag would be just the same if it was an outside spawn.
    I dont think lag is the issue here tho, imho.
    Hope Ocura Heals
    Healmonkey for Dark Front - Rimor
    Give us /target <name> please !!!

    [Frankt]: I'll be any animal you want me to be.. just let me hump your leg !

  7. #7
    Funny that the same thing is happening on RK2...
    Master 10th Dan

  8. #8

    Its the way the game works

    if omni aren't organised enough to get a force together to take tara from the clanners, it's their problem, try arranging one, the gm's arent about to make tara an omni only killable mob or anything, if you're p'ed off, go cry in baboons or something.

  9. #9
    UMMM ?????

    Am I crying here ? Am I crying about wanting to have Tara turned into a GM event ? Am I crying at/about anything at all ?????????

    I am p*ssed at my own ppl for not showing up/interest.

    Hail, a brainless flamer...move on nothing else to see here
    Hope Ocura Heals
    Healmonkey for Dark Front - Rimor
    Give us /target <name> please !!!

    [Frankt]: I'll be any animal you want me to be.. just let me hump your leg !

  10. #10
    At least Orba and Uber gave it a go now..
    even though they were outnumbered by 30 or so heh
    Sbje RK2 Soldier
    Sbee RK2 MA

  11. #11
    Dunno when you go ocura, basically it's our lack of any high level healers for a decent dmg team that screws us. That and the fact that after the "incident" no one is too interested in tara anymore in omni. So a general lack of manpower and ability to put together a good damage team hinders us. Also I would like to add that when it comes to 2ho wars and such (at least all the ones I've been to) we almost always end up winning/controlling the area, it's just when it comes to tara that we have trouble organizing for, just don't think anyone on omnis side cares too much, at least not as much as clan.
    Last edited by Trader Doug; Oct 17th, 2002 at 15:38:47.
    Hide your babies!! A trader is a coming!! Nerf us before we can get all your babies!!


    Current(and dream) Setup

    Come Participate in my PvP tourney(rimor only)

  12. #12
    I think the main problem is atm Omni has to many blatent noobs. Most of the high level people quitting and pawning off their accts on ebay and most what is left on Omni is a bunch of 150+ clueless newberts. It is quite sad when 2 Omni's even bother to show for the riad

  13. #13


    Yes Oscura many omnis have given up. I will tell you why.

    1) Clanners can insure right outside of the dungeon, while omnis have to wait till their CL gets back up and grid back in after they die.

    2) Since tara is more accesible to clanners, and there is a cap on the number of people that can be in the dungeon, clanners get tons of people in and then omnis can only get a few in before we hit the cap.

    3) Clanners are overpowered when it comes to man power. Many omnis have gone clan to get tarasque loot, which keeps making it easier and easier for clanners.

    So yes many of us have given up. And for good reason too, its not fun to go all that way and get slaughtered on the spot.

    More organization would help, but thats not all that we need. There are game mechanics that make tarasque more accesible to clanners, and clanners just have more high level people.

  14. #14
    Omni won the first Tara raid today, Clan won the second. What is everyone whining about?

  15. #15
    no more TC thats why ^^
    Socializer 93%
    Explorer 53%
    Achiever 40%
    Killer 13%
    <('.'<) <('.')> (>'.')> <('.')> <('.'<)

  16. #16
    um RK1 youre talking bout then.. afaik nothing the like happend on RK2, CaptCamo.

    plus.. I am NOT whining for gods sake !

    Yes its easier to access for clan, hell I cant even grid in yet..I have to take the " long " way - and I still show up as often as I can.
    What ever happend to no pain no gain, no risk no fun and the like ?

    Guess I am just weird lol
    Last edited by Ocura; Oct 17th, 2002 at 17:18:53.
    Hope Ocura Heals
    Healmonkey for Dark Front - Rimor
    Give us /target <name> please !!!

    [Frankt]: I'll be any animal you want me to be.. just let me hump your leg !

  17. #17
    Originally posted by AstroCreep2k
    I think the main problem is atm Omni has to many blatent noobs. Most of the high level people quitting and pawning off their accts on ebay and most what is left on Omni is a bunch of 150+ clueless newberts.
    Heh, astrocreep said what I wanted to say but I'm too nice to say it ^^.
    Hide your babies!! A trader is a coming!! Nerf us before we can get all your babies!!


    Current(and dream) Setup

    Come Participate in my PvP tourney(rimor only)

  18. #18
    Alot of people can't just drop what they are doing stay home from school/work/college every time a patch comes up. You can't go to Tara at any time. Its only at certain times in the day when people are able to go to Tara. If I feel like pvping Ill go to 2ho and maybe find some people to have fun with. Most people don't want to schedule their life around a game, especially when there is little chance of any type of reward for their effort.
    "Self Proclaimed Fixer God since Jan 2002"

    Note: This account was stolen from me by someone I thought I could trust. I didn't realize what was going on untill someone from my guild contacted me and let me know what was happening. Funcom was gracious enough to give the account back to me, the original owner, but the account is deactivated for the time being and my main concern was just getting it out of the hands of an unsavory character. Sorry for the drama.


  19. #19

    Re: Omni ( Using Tara as an example ) flame away.

    Originally posted by Ocura
    the harder and longer the better
    my thoughts exactly
    BettyRoss (A) dont ever turn yer back on a shady motha backstab4lyfe
    Gwend (A) The original complete healing engineer
    wtts :: prof ring quests

    the "i dont need punctuation" army

  20. #20
    Alot of people can't just drop what they are doing stay home from school/work/college every time a patch comes up. You can't go to Tara at any time. Its only at certain times in the day when people are able to go to Tara. If I feel like pvping Ill go to 2ho and maybe find some people to have fun with. Most people don't want to schedule their life around a game, especially when there is little chance of any type of reward for their effort.
    Who said you had to plan your life around Tara spawn.. I dont do it others dont either.
    The problem is people are online, and dont care, or come die and leave......

    And here we have it again.. you only see reward in some sort of loot.... for me reward would be a fight i walk out as a winner. I dont give a ***** if I get a single cred or a QL 1 monsterpart. Victory is my reward.

    Why am i still posting here *sigh*
    Last edited by Ocura; Oct 17th, 2002 at 21:15:29.
    Hope Ocura Heals
    Healmonkey for Dark Front - Rimor
    Give us /target <name> please !!!

    [Frankt]: I'll be any animal you want me to be.. just let me hump your leg !

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