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Thread: Gameplay issues listing

  1. #1

    Post Gameplay issues listing

    Please implement these changes to improve PvM and mission play. If they cannot be implemented in PvP due to balance issues then don't change them there. If the programmers can identify PvP areas, which they obviously can, then they can code different attributes for different areas of the game.

    1. Let us delete missions.

    2. Stop fall damage when zoning in a Yalmaha.

    3. Allow us to retain control of Yalmaha after zoning.

    4. Remove timer on equipping and unequipping of yalmahas

    5. Remove distance cap on Nanos.

    6. Do not cause NFs to break root.

    7. Return Tab-Target to its former functionality, i.e. allow us to tab-target any MOB within range, even if we can't attack it from our present position.

    8. Allow us to cast/shoot through closed (not locked) doors.

    9. Place a distance slider on missions.

    10. As was promised, insure that even missions give all greens and that fully clearing the mission area and completing the required action (killing named, finding object, placing item on object, or returning requested item) results in a token. I just completed an even mission which was a mixture of grays and oranges. Now, I understand that, to an engineer, if a person has one foot in the fire and another in the ice, that person is, on average, comfortable. However, for the rest of us an even mix of grays and oranges is not the same as all greens.

    Thanks in advance for your attention and cooperation.

    p.s. I invite other players to add to this list in the interest of improving gameplay.
    Last edited by Vass; Nov 15th, 2001 at 19:59:32.

  2. #2


    Regarding question #7 in my post, it occurs to me that this could be a change to the perception ability rather than a nerf of tab-target. I would appreciate advice on whether raising perception will help this problem before I dump a pile of hard-earned IPs into that skill. Thanks.

  3. #3


    - Please let doctors use their team heals again. The change in the patch was not one (to my knowledge) that was forwarned, nor was it debated on - it was simply implemented. I grow tired of creating characters thinking the gameplay will be a certain way only to always be forced to find a "workaround" or restart.

    - If the above mentioned is to remain a permanent fixture in AO, then please allow NT's to cast their roots through closed (not locked) doors. This would at least give the team a fighting chance at survival.

    - If all changes are to remain as is, at the very bottom minimum, let us pick up the darn object in the mission and receive the reward for it. EVEN WHILE HOSTILED. Really, give it some consideration, the person obviously completed the mission successfuly if he/she reached the target, and returned with the target in tact. What more is there? Otherwise, you've got a whole new set of rules and workarounds to play by, and you'll be losing far more game balance than you hope to be getting.
    Universal Realms Network
    200 MP - General of Band of Brothers
    armor layout

  4. #4

    Exclamation Re: Gameplay issues listing

    Originally posted by Vass
    Please implement these changes to improve PvM and mission play. If they cannot be implemented in PvP due to balance issues then don't change them there. If the programmers can identify PvP areas, which they obviously can, then they can code different attributes for different areas of the game.

    1. Let us delete missions. - Done - Thanks!!!

    2. Stop fall damage when zoning in a Yalmaha. - To be done in 13.2 (I think) - Thanks!!

    3. Allow us to retain control of Yalmaha after zoning. - To be done in 13.2 (I think) - Thanks!!

    4. Remove timer on equipping and unequipping of yalmahas - No good reason for this - not a biggie but is a gameplay issue as it detracts from the fun of the game.

    5. Remove distance cap on Nanos. - This is a killer gameplay issue for casters. Please remove cap - what is the point of range extending hardware and software if the cap is in place, hmmmmm?

    6. Do not cause NFs to break root. - [color=dark red] OK, maybe getting a little greedy[/color]

    7. Return Tab-Target to its former functionality, i.e. allow us to tab-target any MOB within range, even if we can't attack it from our present position. Big gameplay issue for me - never wanted to be a tank mage where I have to charge in to attack.

    8. Allow us to cast/shoot through closed (not locked) doors. - Allow us to cast/shoot through closed (not locked) doors!!!

    9. Place a distance slider on missions. - Coming soon to a mission terminal near you (I hope)

    10. As was promised, insure that even missions give all greens and that fully clearing the mission area and completing the required action (killing named, finding object, placing item on object, or returning requested item) results in a token. I just completed an even mission which was a mixture of grays and oranges. Now, I understand that, to an engineer, if a person has one foot in the fire and another in the ice, that person is, on average, comfortable. However, for the rest of us an even mix of grays and oranges is not the same as all greens. - Need I say more?

    Thanks in advance for your attention and cooperationAgain, thanks.

    p.s. I invite other players to add to this list in the interest of improving gameplay.

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