Sad to say, that aspect of our org which was how we originally started (100% roleplayers) back in 2001 is going to be officially gone.
About 80% of those who joined since 2009 mentioned in their interview that they were interested in RP (that percentage has remained to this day), however there has been low to little RP events and activity in the game for a long time (player run & ARK run).
Where we could RP with other players almost every day now has become work... to hunt down people to roleplay.
It's been a long time coming, where we no longer can afford the time and effort it takes to write, produce and do a RP event for only a handful of people.
We've switched the resources which were placed on RP and instead refocus it on helping new and returning players so they stay in the game (regardless if they join our org or not).
I had a lot of hope for the Roleplaying aspect of AO to come back, and I don't mean the monthly token CoT Meetings, but the real old skool events which every week would cause a zone to crash because everyone would run to join up.
We'll continue to encourage people to RP if that is what they want to do with their time, however as of the end of this year, MD and MDA (Mercury Dragons Academy, our lowbie/froob org) are no longer officially RP orgs.
In related news. The new AO Universe site which is likely to hit in 2012, is probably not going to have the RP areas which the current site has. This can be changed if enough Roleplayers ask for those areas to remain when the site is upgraded (I suggest you speak with Silvana, new AOU Site Manager).
I wish I had better news, really I do. I miss the old days, the fun when we ran around being in-character, making friends and foes, allies and fiends... the crazy MD and CAS alliance and then conflict, the times when MD and Omni-Pol went head to head, the 6 hours long battle for the OT Base in Avalon which I lead... that ended when ARK Events decided to drop about 50 Elite NPC's on us and dozens of corpses littered the ground and clanners were retreating in every possible direction (and the NPC's would continue the chase until you zoned or die).
The best times I remember in AO, was when I was roleplaying. But, we got to move on.
I will continue to support the RP efforts you guys may have through AOU and the main MD website if you can drop me a PM ahead of time.