There has been a lot of information from FC on the reasoning behind a great many of the changes. Some of it they have plainly stated in various documents. A lot was said in various Friday with Means threads. Some information has been released to the Professionals and then come to us via their posts. Some of it, you can clearly read from detailed study of the Nano Documents that have been released. Some of it you'll find in the Nano Document Discussion Threads.

If you have been engaged in this balance process, then you should have a pretty good idea of the shape of the design changes and the way that they're approaching the changes.

Having said that, it might be worth having a single high-level design statement from FC as part of the documentation linked to in the sticky in this forum. I'm sure that this would help people who have been less actively involved across the forums.

But then again... if the choice was to take somebody off the time spent on doing the change design or have them write a high level design statement - I'd have them keep on working on the changes. While it would be nice for everybody to be up to date and informed on everything... it really isn't that necessary.