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Thread: ARK: The Advisors of Rubi-Ka - Weddings, Tours, Bug Hunting, Petitions and more!

  1. #1

    Funcom employee ARK: The Advisors of Rubi-Ka - Weddings, Tours, Bug Hunting, Petitions and more!

    Last edited by Bekrowe; May 11th, 2013 at 02:04:26.
    Brad L. McAtee / Kintaii
    Former Senior AO Designer & Jack of All Trades
    (2007 - 2012)
    ~~ Twitter :: Facebook :: Norse Noir ~~

  2. #2

    Funcom employee

    The Advisors of Rubi-Ka - General Information

    The Advisors of Rubi-Ka (also known as ARK) are a group of player volunteers who have answered the call of duty and stepped up to help the Anarchy Online development and customer support teams in a variety of different areas.

    Bug Hunters: Responsible for the Testlive environment and for helping us track down various issues with the game, the Bug Hunters department is one of our best lines of defense against any issues which may creep their way into the game. Bug Hunters routinely aid the development team and customer service staff by tracking down and rooting out issues with the game on our test servers, helping to ensure the best, smoothest gameplay experience possible.

    Bug Hunter Director: Belaroth
    Bug Hunter Assistant Director: Pentaflake

    Events: The Events department is our personal storytelling squad, whose knowledge of the game world and setting enables them to create amazing roleplaying opportunities for players both in-game and out. Responsible for maintaining the day-to-day stories of Rubi-Ka as well as portraying important in-game characters, the Events team has a proud tradition of bringing the setting and story of Anarchy Online to the masses.

    Events Director: Mmir
    Events Assistant Director:

    Community Relations: Our Community Relations team is arguably one of the most visible departments within ARK, and with good reason! Community Relations members are responsible for many facets of our 'outward face' to the Anarchy Online public, and fill in roles such as offering weddings, giving guided tours, hosting in-game parties, producing comics and other graphical media, as well as making up the brunt of our forums moderation staff. The Community Relations team wears many hats, all of them vital and important to the day-to-day functions of Anarchy Online.

    Community Relations Director: Bekrowe
    Community Relations Assistant Director:

    Personnel: The Personnel department of ARK is responsible for all internal affairs, overseeing the rules and structure of the volunteer program on the whole. Our Personnel department serves as a communications hub for internal issues, as well as offering guidance to newer ARKs and structuring the day-to-day morale of the program as a whole. The ARK Academy team also serves as a sub-set of the Personnel department, responsible for the training and overseeing of all new volunteers to the program.

    ARK Director: Asheal
    ARK Asst. Director: Wenetia
    Personnel Director: Mesarthim
    Personnel Assistant Director:

    For more information on the Advisors of Rubi-Ka, its various departmental projects, and information on how to join the program, please visit our public site available at the following link:
    Last edited by Bekrowe; Mar 4th, 2017 at 22:39:14.
    Brad L. McAtee / Kintaii
    Former Senior AO Designer & Jack of All Trades
    (2007 - 2012)
    ~~ Twitter :: Facebook :: Norse Noir ~~

  3. #3
    The ARK Moderation Team

    The ARK Moderation Team is a sub-set of the Community Relations department which helps oversee the Anarchy Online forums on a day-to-day basis. This team is responsible for keeping the boards in working order and serve as our moderation staff.

    ARK Moderation Team Lead: Anarrina

    Community Relations Director: Bekrowe
    Community Relations Assistant Director:

    If you have a complaint about a moderator (Advisor or Guardian rank)
    You may contact in the the Moderator Team Lead (Anarrina).

    If you have a complaint about the Moderator Team Lead
    Please contact a Community Relations Director (Bekrowe or Anlyss).

    If you have a complaint about the Community Relations Director/Assistant Director
    Please visit or send a PM on the forums to Odonoptera
    Last edited by Bekrowe; Mar 4th, 2017 at 22:40:37.
    Brad L. McAtee / Kintaii
    Former Senior AO Designer & Jack of All Trades
    (2007 - 2012)
    ~~ Twitter :: Facebook :: Norse Noir ~~

  4. #4

    Funcom employee

    ARK Bug Hunters

    The Bug Hunters is a department of the Advisors of Rubi-Ka who labor to locate, identify, and report content within Anarchy Online which may not be Working as Intended™. Members of the ARK Bug Hunters can most commonly be found on the AO TestLive server, where future content is made available to be tested, explored and broken. It is through the efforts of those who frequent the TestLive server that many issues are found and fixed long before they could have disrupted the experiences of players of the Live servers.

    With all of that being said, however, there are still many issues which go undetected and make it to the Live servers. While no system will ever be able to resolve all flawed content, it is something we will always strive for. To that end, the ARK Bug Hunters would like to invite anyone willing to aid in our cause of making AO bug-free to come visit the AO TestLive server.

    Reporting a Bug or Exploit
    There are a number of methods in which to notify the appropriate parties should a Bug or Exploit be discovered:

    Contrary to popular belief, posting in public forums is not a recommended method of reporting bugs. This is especially true for reporting exploits, which are not to be discussed on the forums under any circumstances.

    In an effort to help make the process of reporting bugs and exploits easier, new methods of reporting such issues will hopefully be introduced by early next year.

    Anarchy Online TestLive Server
    The AO TestLive server is where to go in order to test new content before it hits Live. Get a head start on the rest of the AO population by challenging new raid encounters, acquiring new loot, or testing out new game mechanics before anyone else. Throughout the process of trying new AO content, please feel free to provide any feedback or information on bugs/exploits to the appropriate personnel. As an added incentive for reporting issues before they reach Live, players are rewarded with points that may be redeemed for in-game items.

    In addition to encountering new content, TestLive also gives players opportunities to speak directly with the various Funcom personnel who frequent the server. Members of the AO Development and Quality Assurance teams have been known to visit TestLive, as well as the ARK Bug Hunters and Exploit Team members. Be sure to visit ICC and see who is online.

    A few quick notes to those who plan to visit TestLive for the first time:
    • ICC is where you will find most of the online population. Please only contact FC/ARK personnel if they are in ICC, otherwise they may be preoccupied.
    • Please chat on Social, not on Global. Global is reserved for FC/ARK announcements.
    • Remember to save early, save often.
    • Feel free to ask any Council of Testers member for buffs, trade-skills, or “Starter Packs.”
    • Visit TestLive on the last Sunday of every month for our monthly GSP party: MMOATP.
    • Be sure to pay attention to the Testlive MOTD and the Testlive Announcements & Events forum to remain aware of any important server information.

    For the steps needed to visit TestLive, please visit the following link:,1007,1105

    More Information
    For more information on TestLive and how to get started, please review this thread on the subject. If you would like to learn more about TestLive or the ARK Bug Hunters, please come visit us on TestLive.
    Last edited by Anarrina; Jun 14th, 2012 at 16:38:42.
    Brad L. McAtee / Kintaii
    Former Senior AO Designer & Jack of All Trades
    (2007 - 2012)
    ~~ Twitter :: Facebook :: Norse Noir ~~

  5. #5

    Funcom employee

    Petitions & You

    Some helpful tips to make the petition process go smoother:

    Got a question? Don't just write "I've got a question" or "Can you help me", put your question in the petition!

    Lost Items? If you have lost an item, please be as specific as possible. Include the item name, QL, where it was located last, and how you lost it (traded to NPC? deleted? vanished?). Also include how long ago the item loss occurred.

    Quest Problems? Try to be as specific as possible. If it involves an item, please include the appropriate name and QL and what you did with it (trade to NPC? combined for a quest? targeted?). If you are having issues with an NPC, please list the NPC name and the steps you took prior to running into your problem. Quest Problems can be some of the most complicated issues to resolve, so help us help you by giving us as much information prior to contact, so we can do our best to research any issues.

    Being harassed by a player? If you're having any sort of issue with another player? Petition! And please be as accurate as possible. Include the player's name, what they are doing, where it is happening, and if possible, anything they may have said to you (in tell, vicinity, team). We'll try our hardest to get to the bottom of the matter.

    The most important thing is to give as much information as possible. We'd rather have a novel than a sentence. The more information we have, the more we are able to do - even if you're AFK or offline when we reach your petition.
    Last edited by Bekrowe; May 11th, 2013 at 02:03:37.
    Brad L. McAtee / Kintaii
    Former Senior AO Designer & Jack of All Trades
    (2007 - 2012)
    ~~ Twitter :: Facebook :: Norse Noir ~~

  6. #6

    Funcom employee

    The Rubi-Ka Marriage Registry

    Every day out there on Rubi-Ka people find someone who understands them, a friendship grows and perhaps one day this friendship evolves into something more, something different. Love. Then one day while hunting those daunting creatures that inhabit the planet you find an engagement ring which makes you think: "Wow! This ring is a perfect symbol of my feelings for him or her! I wish there was someone who could help us show the world how we feel about each other."

    Well look no more. The Rubi-Ka Marriage Registry is here to help you celebrate the joys of marriage in these dark times, and I am here to help you through the process of requesting a wedding ceremony, give a few tips and some information about the service of the RKMR.

    What to know when planning your RKMR wedding:

    The first step in planning your wedding in Anarchy Online (after deciding who you are going to marry, be it a man, an atrox or a woman) is to decide where your wedding is going to be held. There are a number of locations to choose from both on Rubi-Ka and in the Shadowlands.

    Weddings can be done anywhere on Rubi-Ka, including in player apartments, bars, and towns, but under no circumstances can they take place in dungeons, missions, near or around a Dynacamp or in PvP areas. Weddings in the Shadowlands can only take place on a few select locations due to the safety of the couple, guests and of the RKMR Registrar.

    You can view some of our more popular Rubi-Ka locations and all of the Shadowlands locations on the ARK website by following this link:

    It is also possible to get a tour of the different locations by a member of the ARK CR Weddings Team or a RKMR Registrar if you really can’t decide on a suitable location.

    The second step in planning your wedding is to decide when the event should take place. Be sure to discuss this with your partner as well as your wedding party guests to make sure the time is convenient for everyone involved.

    While we require you to submit your wedding request at least 72 hours (3 days) before your ceremony, ideally you should submit your request at least one week in advance to allow the RKMR to select a Registrar available for your ceremony time.

    You will be contacted online as soon as a Registrar commits to perform your ceremony and they will be available to answer any questions you might have. The sooner we receive your weddings request, the sooner you will be contacted by your registrar.

    To help the RKMR find a Registrar fairly quickly, it is important that the time you tell us is given in GMT/UTC time, not in your own time zone. For this you can easily take advantage of one of the many websites that help convert time, one such could be: The Time Zone Converter or

    Choosing a Ceremony Type:
    You have a few options when choosing a ceremony to be held. You and your partner can choose to write your own vows, or use a set of pre-written vows specific to each faction. Clan partners can choose from either clan oriented or neutral vows, Omni partners can choose from omni oriented or neutral vows, and Neutral or mixed couples are encouraged to use neutral vows. We also offer a Nature ceremony and a Technology ceremony to all factions, both with vows already written.

    The difference between the ceremonies is most pronounced in the OmniTek ceremony, which is presented as a Merger between two parties, in a most profound business sense. The Neutral ceremony is very close to what most would consider a "traditional" wedding ceremony (based on love and peace), and the Clan ceremony is similar with more emphasis on honor and loyalty. The Nature ceremony is very much like a pagan ceremony, calling on the elements to witness the union and the Technology ceremony is less about love, than about the mutual commitment of intellect and trust.

    To see example text from each of these pre-made vow selections, please visit the following post: Wedding Vow Examples for RKMR

    Submitting Your Request:
    On the ARK website you can find a description of the details we need from you to process your wedding request, and for us to do this best it is important that all the details is listed, especially that the time given is listed in GMT and noted as such. If you are unsure of the correct GMT time you can give the time in your own time zone, but then remember to list what time zone you live in and we will assist you in converting the time.

    Required Details Are:
    Names of the couple, date and time (both listed in GMT), dimension you are on, a suggested location for the wedding, type of ceremony and vows you want and finally how many guests you expect to be invited.

    A tip for easier contact with the RKMR Registrar, who will be assigned to your wedding, is to tell us when you are counting on being available in game. The more days and times you give us, the better. A good rule of thumb is to add as much information as possible, and ask if you’re in doubt.

    Additional Plans:
    If you want to have a party/reception after your wedding, the RKMR Registrar can unfortunately not help you plan that but he might be able to give you a few tips on what to do to make it memorable for you.

    Some couples wish to have live entertainment or music for the ceremony and/or reception, if you would like that then you could contact one of the local radio stations of Rubi-Ka,the most prominent being Gridstream Productions . Keep in mind that RKMR cannot contact or schedule these extracurriculars on your behalf, you must do so on your own, and signing up for events with the radio stations might require you to contact them by a much earlier deadline (perhaps weeks in advance).

    What to Expect From RKMR:
    Once we have all of the required information to plan your wedding, we will begin the process of finding a registrar to perform the wedding. At least 24 hours before the wedding, you can expect to be contacted by your registrar to go over the ceremony with you and to answer any last minute questions you might have about the ceremony.

    The Registrar can even help you out with a few things to make your wedding a special day. Marriage rings, flowers and assisting with a shared last name are just some of the things that he can provide you with.

    If your wedding party is expected to be a large one, you may be contacted by the RKMR with suggestions and plans to make your wedding both manageable and memorable.

    You may also email you have any questions about weddings on Rubi-Ka or if you wish to schedule a particular time to meet with someone from the team.
    Last edited by Bekrowe; Mar 4th, 2017 at 22:41:38. Reason: updates
    Brad L. McAtee / Kintaii
    Former Senior AO Designer & Jack of All Trades
    (2007 - 2012)
    ~~ Twitter :: Facebook :: Norse Noir ~~

  7. #7

    Funcom employee

    ARK Tours

    The ARK Tours Team is a sub-set of the Community Relations Department, and offers both public tours and private tours for your organization or friends on request. This is a great opportunity for everyone in your org to learn more about the planet Rubi-Ka and the Shadowlands.

    Each of tour given by a certified ARK Tour Guide who will take you to various places throughout the planet, explaining the history and story behind them.

    Current Tours Offered:

    Rubi-Ka - Level 2+, no expansions required
    • Omni-Tek Cities (For Omni factions only)
    • Neutral Cities (For Neutral factions only)
    • Clan Cities (For Clan factions only)

    Shadowlands - Shadowlands Expansion required for all touring members.
    • Nascence Frontier - Level 5+
    • Elysium - Level 120+
    • Inferno - Level 160+

    To book one of these tours for your organization, or if you have any questions, please email
    Last edited by Bekrowe; Mar 4th, 2017 at 22:41:52.
    Brad L. McAtee / Kintaii
    Former Senior AO Designer & Jack of All Trades
    (2007 - 2012)
    ~~ Twitter :: Facebook :: Norse Noir ~~

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