The Credit for this suggestion goes to Cadey and me. i hope you guys like it, i think its what AO needs in the long term.
So, i wrote a post on a thread in LoR basically begging FC to up their game and keep us guys interested. The idea is pretty huge for The AO team, but it will bring interest back into the game with new and old players since if the new engine was gonna come in, i really dont think it would bring back all that many people.
The Idea is a planet migration/evacuation. as the RK map is pretty much a mess and i personally hate the zoning idea (yes i know its an old game), but implementing all this + graphics wouldn'nt bring back the playerbase we need in AO. instead, a storyline, set on the nova of our g class star, that being started by some kind of action we as players and/or GM's created, a quick suggestion is to incorporate the notum source into this as we know notum is a awesome source of power, Slowly as the nova takes hold and our system dissipates, playfields and maps dissapear, SL,APF,Outzones of rubi ka etc.. this creates a storybased shutdown of playfields.. which keep things exciting and fresh.. obviously this is not done lightly, this will have to be hard thought over.
Then the Evacuation, Omni tek could have paid the unicorns to create interstellar spacecraft like arks (similarity much?) and since omni tek have a "we care" mentality, clans would also be saved from this Doomed system as will neutrals (sorry guys :P).
Storyline; Clan criminals etc could "pay" their way onto Arks through corrupt omni-tek/neuts etc..
This is where it gets really interesting. a number of opportuniies can be grabbed here, ofcourse we need a new planet with notum, scouts will need to be sent out, searching for new worlds which can sustain life and have a stable source of notum, a storyline can be easily incorporated with the ancients/DB/SL etc as a route of ages of some sort. (kind of like homeworld, if anyone remembers that. R.i.P Relic...)
When a world is found, THIS is where we see the new Map. the new Graphics. Fresh and new, New Balance, EVEN (if it interests other parties) New Factions. After years of light terraforming etc etc (not real time ofc, this will be in a blink of an eye to us, but im going with a storyline) we can settle on this planet and call it our home. All nice and pretty.
The Terraforming could be part of a mass Global research thing. like with the mechs! Remember them ?
Yes.. i know.. its a HUGE undertaking, but i really think AO needs a complete overhaul like this. making it new and exciting like the other competing games out there. a new zoning System would be great. a fresh smooth map.. (am i repeating myself? sorry..) etc etc i could go on about what AO needs, but this is the new platform to stage it all off from.
Thanks for reading, any further ideas let me know, will implement them into the orginal post if its liked by the community! with thanks aswell![]()